Clefairy and the moon stone

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[Even though the Viridian Forest was long and similar to a maze, at least it was all flat, spongy ground cushioned by leaves, pine needles, and grass. Trekking up towards Mt. Moon, however, was working muscles the boys didn't even know they had in their legs. A tough, rocky terrain that slowly went uphill was what met them after Pewter City. And with their destination always in view because of how tall the mountain was, it seemed like they were constantly getting nowhere fast.]

Lincoln:So Clyde, what Does The Rotom phone have to say about Mt. Moon anyway? [Lincoln asked as he clutched the straps to his backpack as Clyde pulls out his Rotom phone and searched up some information]

Clyde:Well,People say that a huge meteor crashed into the mountain back in prehistoric times. The local Pokemon in that location consist of Onix,Geodude,Zubat,paras and even The rare fairy type Pokemon clefairy

Lincoln:A meteor... [He thinks about all the information he was just given]

Clyde:The meteor is called the Moon Stone. 

Lincoln:Wow... [He muttered. Before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by a scream of terror. The sound of someone else's voice other than theirs surprised them, and they quickly ran up to see what the issue was]

[Upon arriving at the source of the screaming a few minutes later, Lincoln and Clyde were greeted by a peculiar, yet worrying sight - several blue-colored bat-like Pokemon attacking a brown-haired man wearing a lab coat]

????:Help! Somebody do something about these Zubat, please!

Lincoln:Eevee, Buzzy buzz! Get those Zubat off of him! [ordered Lincoln, prompting the normal-Type to discharge a blast of electricity that managed to hit the numerous Zubat, electrocuting them...and the man as well]

[Wincing as the electricity coursed through the Zubat and the man they were attacking, Lincoln mumbles]Lincoln:...Oops.


[After the Zubat had retreated into the cavern, Lincoln ran over to the brown-haired man and started to help him to his feet, asking] Lincoln:Hey, you alright? Can you stand?

Lincoln:Y-yes, I'm okay...thank you for the assist, young man...[muttered the man in gratitude. Once he was back onto his feet, he dusted himself off and added]...May I have the name of the ones who saved me from those Zubat?

Lincoln:Name's Lincoln. And this is Eevee, the one who...uh, zapped the Zubat and...well, you [replied Lincoln, scratching the back of his head sheepishly] Sorry about that, by the way.

[He apologized but then flinched back once the man shot up like a rocket with his arms wide open]

????:Wow! [He suddenly wrapped his arms around Ash and pulled him into a tight squeeze as tears of happiness flowed down the man's face behind his large glasses] You guys are the greatest!

Lincoln:R-really, it was nothing! [Lincoln said, struggling to breathe with his face pressed against the man's skinny stomach]

?????:I'm talking superfantabulistic! I'm talking two thumbs up! Way up! The best rescue I've ever had! [The man continued to pull Lincoln closer to him in the tight embrace, almost like he was trying to absorb him into his body, but Eevee – who was in was on the ground watching at the time of the embrace – was now getting mad seeing how uncomfortable he was being squished. Having enough of this, it jumps up and hits strange man with its bouncy bubble attack. The water blasted past their faces, and they both sputtered and choked at the sudden lack of oxygen before Eevee stopped, their hair now dripping and soaked to their faces]

[The two reeled back, trying to recover and get their breath back, and while Lincoln was more used to getting blasted by water,thanks to Gyarados mostly the other man – presumably, of course – it didn't take him any time to bounce back, shaking the water from his face like an animal and smiling down at him] ????:They say man's best friend is a Pokémon, and with you two, I believe it! [he said, adjusting his glasses and wiping the droplets from the glass]

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