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I swing my bag over my shoulder and make my way to the kitchen where Gigi, Liam and my mom stand with a sign and pancakes. "Happy graduation day!" They all say in sync and I feel a smile spread on my face. 

"Look what we made you Harvey!" Gigi comes running over and I pick her up. "I made pancakes with sprinkles on them. Can I have one?" She asks pointing to the stacked pancakes. "Of course." I bend her down and she picks one up taking a bite. "I did a good job!" She giggles. 

"I made the sign!" Liam says proudly and he wraps around my leg pulling me into a hug. "You did great bud thank you." I pat him on the back and turn to my mom who gives me a big smile. 

"I am so proud of you darling." She tells me and I place Gigi on the counter and pull mom into a hug. "Pretend the pancakes taste good, they are full of egg shell but Gigi is proud of them." She whispers into my ear and I pull back and nod. 

"Eat one!" Gigi hands me a plate and I take one and place it to my mouth hesitantly. 

That is fucking gross. 

"Mm so good you did an amazing job." I tell her and her face lights up. "Alright I gotta go otherwise I will be late but I will be home at 1." I take out my keys and head to the door.


 I arrive at school and immediately see Mads face and she rushes over to me. "We are graduating!" She locks her hands with mine and smiles. "I can't believe it." I admit. "Neither." She wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her into me. She places her head against my chest and I feel her smile. 

"Got your gown?" She pulls off me. "Yeah just gotta go collect my hat." I tell her. "Same wanna go get it now?" The excitement basically radiating off her. 

I nod and connect my hand with hers and we make it through the crowded hallway. "Fucking graduating lets go." Liam taps my shoulder in the halls and we bump into Nate and Olivia who are also getting their hats.

We collect them and head to maths which is honestly fucking annoying. 

"Welcome graduating seniors!" Our teacher cheers and we all take our seats.

"So I forgot to tell you, we have a quick maths test." He holds out lots of papers. 

What the fuck.

"Your kidding." One of the boys says from the back.

He all stares at us for a second us scattering between us all until he walks over and drops a paper on everyones desk. 

After he hands us all the tests he walks back to the front and sets his watch. "You may begin." He says and we all flip our papers over. 

It is a fucking Disney princess colouring sheet. 

"Sir you little sh- wow sir very funny." Xander stares at the teacher. "I know. Anyways class. Let's just take you back a moment, to when you were young. Have a go at the drawings it's funny." He picks up a box filled with pencils and places it on his desk.

Everyone looks at each other before Xander shrugs and gets up to choose his colours leading everyone else to do the same. 


1 minute till school is over. Everyone sits quietly at their desks when Harvey's hands comes to my waist pulling me closer and I look up at him with a smile.

"30 seconds shit." A kid says from the back. 

20 seconds. Everyone is still dead silent. 

10 seconds. 

That one trip to ItalyWhere stories live. Discover now