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--- Sorry for those who expected to get romantic with Mach at the first chapter >3< ---




- TYPE : HEADCANONS & SLOWBURN ---- Sorry for those who expected to get romantic with Mach at the first chapter >3< --------------------------------------------[[ HOW SHE CAUGHT FEELINGS! ]]-----------------------------------------

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-  You would frequently visit her office, most of the time it's her office.

- She would catch you looking at her from time to time and she thinks it's cute.

- Sometimes you can be considerate and as you were visiting her, you gave her gifts.

- And well, with her height, seeing you makes her feel.. Very tall to say the least.

- At some point, you've actually made her smile a bit, she has never had anyone visiting her so frequently and getting sent gifts from.

- She doesn't know what to feel about this but she can't help but smile a little about it.

- You're very sweet to her and she likes that.

- Over time, the emotion that she felt only to began growing, she didn't know how to explain it nor can she express it too.

- She lets you be close to her, she doesn't mind much anymore, well unless she gets a call from someone then yes, she might mind because she will get distracted by you.

- She would give you headpats as a 'good job' thing.

- She isn't really fond of showing affection, so she just try to make things out.

- Sometimes she would even ask Pilby for advice.

- Only for Pilby to say that she, Mach, a Demi-god, like you.

- She didn't know how to respond well but she could only feel only a little flustered from that.

- She would give you your favorite flowers as a return, she may not be good at expressing it so much but she does appreciate the gifts you give her.

- She gets a little upset whenever you would leave her office or whenever you are out of her sight at some point.


- [ WORD COUNT : 339 ] -

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