Cold Snap

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3 years.

It's been 3 years since Riku joined the Iida family. Surprisingly enough, he had adjusted quite well to how fast everyone moved. Tenya had even convinced him to start going to public school. However, there was still one small problem.

He doesn't smile.

Yes, he's not as reclusive as before, and has become more open, but he still hasn't smiled. Katsumi was beginning to wonder if he even knew how to. He didn't even laugh, which was heavily unnerving for his classmates. Which brings us to now, when the winter child and youngest Iida were hanging out in the classroom. They were normally empty at this time of day, and the teachers appreciated their dedication to learning.

"For the last time, The Lion King is better than Frozen-", a 10 year old Tenya stated, only to be interrupted by a growl from Riku, who was now 8. He would be turning nine in a few days.

"No it isn't. Frozen has better music." Riku replied calmly, keeping his eyes glued to the sign language book he had.

Since he didn't really enjoy talking to people, he and Tenya figured it was a good way to pass the time. Also, it was useful for tuning out the latter's protest. As Tenya continued to complain, a few students walked in. Unfortunately, they were twins born with a Stained Glass quirk. They both had golden brown eyes, see through blue dark blue hair, and cream colored skin. They both had on matching brown sweaters due to the cold weather, and black pants.

"Ah! The Tsurugi twins! What a pleasant surprise!" Tenya stated, though it was clear he was on edge.

Ruria and Aori Tsurugi, the two most troublesome students in the entire school. And that wasn't an exaggeration either! They were quite literally the worst. They stole from other students, got into fights often, and as if to add onto the many, many red flags, they always picked on Tenya and Riku. So you can bet the latter grows increasingly concerned when he sees Ruria block the door with her quirk, spikes of hot melted glass covering the handle.

"Hey, Ruria, do you see something wrong here?" Aori inquired.

Ruria chuckled at her younger half as she said, "Yeah, Aori, I do."

"It looks like...."

Faster than Iida could react, Ruria had him pinned to a wall.

".....That we get to have these weaklings all to ourselves~"

Riku rolled out the way of Aori's quirk, standing five feet away from her. As he stood away from them, he felt the tickle of his quirk begging to be released. But he couldn't use it. He didn't want to.

Aori laughed sinisterly before saying, "C'mon, Frosty! Don't tell me you scared!"

Ruria sighed happily before saying, "I guess he need a little convincing."

At that, she pushed Iida to the ground. She stomped on his engines, causing him to cry out in pain.

"S- Stop!" Iida pleaded.

Both of the twins laughed before they both said, "Or what?"

Then they felt it. The room seemed to drop several degrees as ice covered up the windows, darkening the classroom. Frost spread across the ground as Riku- no- Yukino's glare darkened. His expression was blank, but his eyes glowed  dim bright blue. Slowly but surely, Yukino raised his hands above his head. Blue veins went through his arms before bathing into a bright sphere of ice. It hovered above the boy's head, slowly compressing into a larger mass as a soft hum filled the room. It sounded as if a bunch of ice was fracturing and cracking.

Iida backed away from the twins and approached Yukino slowly. Aori and Ruria both stood with terrified expressions, frozen with fear. Iida placed a hand on Yukino's shoulder, which was somehow warm despite the increasing cold.

"Riku?" Iida asked softly.

All at once, the power of Deep Freeze was unleashed.


For once, Ingenium wished he wasn't first on scene. He wished he hadn't sent his younger  brothers to school that day. And above all, he really wished he wasn't sober.

For context, the boy's school had four levels to it, each one meant for a higher grade level. Normally, the boys would be on the second floor.

So imagine Tensei's surprise to see the top right corner of the school, frozen with ocean blue ice. Spikes of the substance reached for the sky, Endeavor and All Might hard at work to repair the damage. Sobbing could be heard as Tensei got closer, his blood running cold when he saw who it was. Tenya had bandages wrapped around his left leg as he hugged Riku close, the latter being the one crying. In a moment, Tensei was at their side, completely ignoring the paramedics protest.

"What happened?! Did a villain come after you?!", he yelled.

Tenya's body shook slightly but he didn't speak. Tensei swears that if a single villain laid a hand on his brothers he's gonna-

"My fault! It my fault!" Riku wailed.

Tensei was about to ask what he meant when it clicked for him. He turned up to look at the towering pillars of ice, a few snowflakes falling down on his helmet. He's glad the boys couldn't see his face, or else they would have seen how shaken up he was. Riku was the one that did this. He lost control of his quirk.

"I didn't mean to!", the boy in question cried. "I didn't mean to...."


It'd been a week since then. Riku hardly ever left he and Tenya's room, and the few times he did were far and few between. It reminded Keikiko of when he first met the boy. Which is why he was hoping this plan would work.

"Hey, Riku? Are you in here?", he asked quietly.

He was met with silence for a few moments before a voice replied, "Yeah...."

"Why don't you come downstairs? Tenya has a surprise for you.", the man said, trying not to let his excitement show.

Riku looked up from the corner he was sitting in and glared at the now open door. He really didn't want to risk hurting anyone.... But then again, he could never really say no to Tenya. So, with the pace of a snail, Riku stood up, fully dressed in snowflake themed clothing, before walking out the door. He made his way downstairs, careful not to let his anxiety freeze the stairway.

"Surprise!" Tenya screamed.

Riku's eyes widened at the sight. Tenya stood in front of him, holding out a vanilla cupcake with blue frosting. Behind him stood Tensei, with Katsumi and Keikiko at his sides.

"Happy birthday, Riku! You are officially 9 years old!" Tenya yelled happily.

Riku stood in stunned silence for a few moments. Katsumi was starting to think they had broken the boy when she heard something heartwarming. Laughing. Specifically, Riku's laughing. The boy was downright hysterical before lurching forward to hug Tenya.

"Thank you!", he said happily.

Katsumi then cried happily as she said, "Keikiko, get the camera! He's smiling! My child is smiling!"

Was this the life Riku had planned? No. Was he willing to change it? Nope. Not even for all the heroes in the world.

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