Dad issues and custody drama

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When I was at least in kindergarten my mom and dad split up. Since I was so young I didn't really understand nor comprehend what the fuck was going on. My mom has solo custody but I went to spend my time with my dad whenever I could. Sometimes even my brother would tag along. He was never wearing his glasses because he always broke them on purpose. My brother didn't like me at first. When I was born he threw hot wheel cars at my head. I learned the story thanks to my mom but thanks to that I ended up having stress seizures and had to go to the hospital. The worst part is my dad didn't even bother to tag along.

My dad always wasn't really interested in me because I was a girl basically. I didn't like rodeos or racetracks. Another thing I learned from my mom is that I was at the Dayton Rodeo with him I was around three he wasn't paying attention to me and I wandered off on my own. My relative who happened to be there found me and after that my dad took me home because he didn't wanna be a parent and watch me. Whenever I wanted to have a visitation with him he'd come up with an excuse not to see me. Then my mom had to pick up the broken pieces.

One day in the 5th grade I fucking had enough of his bullshit. I told him I didn't want anything to do with him. He left me alone for a bit but when I moved the worst thing that could've happened actually happened. It was summer before my 6th grade year. He served my mom custody papers and was gonna bring her to court. I didn't know what to feel at all I couldn't think of feel anything really. It just felt like my world was ending.

After a while we went to court I was also speaking to the judge as well. It was so terrifying and I couldn't breathe the air was so thick. I had also found out some things that lead me to not going to see my therapist anymore. Let's say that was the day I found out my therapist lied in the therapy records. Sadly the judge wanted me to do Supervised Visitation. My butt refused to see him I didn't care. In my opinion he could've sat on a dick. I know that's harsh but he deserves it. Now I have nothing to do with his sorry ass but that wasn't until my graduation party.

My graduation party was not long ago but before me and my Nan showed up. My mom told me my dad stopped by and he wasn't invited nor was allowed to come. He could've gotten the info from one person my own brother. My brother knew I didn't want him there but he told him where my party was. So I blocked my brother on my social media I ain't speaking to him again. My own brother betrayed me. I will not forgive him.

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