Ep10 | Sleepover

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The Highschool Squad's sleepover!

(Some 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙖𝙭𝙭 because I've been thinking of them lately 🤭)

(Levi's POV)

It's around 10:30, everyone was changed into their pajamas and Candi was leading us to whatever room we're gonna sleep in.

Everyone was in front while me and Jaxx were behind.

I was still holding his hand.

After we got out of the elevator (Yes, Candi's house has an elevator cuz who needs stairs), Candi lead us down the long hallway into room.

She opened the door. The room was full of fluffy white bean bags and a bunch of beds. There was a fluffy white carpet and lots of decorations. There was also a couch and a few other chairs.

Everyone wowed in awe.

"This is the room where if you wanna chill and eat, just stay here!" Candi showed us the room.

"SO FLUFFYYY!!!" Charli ran up to the bean bags and jumped into them.

"Wow Candi, didn't know you were this rich!" Alex said to Candi.

"Well guys, make yourselves at home!" Candi shut the door as the rest of us came in.

"If you guys are hungry, there's a mini fridge full of snacks and drinks right over there." She pointed to the mini fridge on top of the counter. Quite big for a "mini" fridge. But, at least we get more food.

"I'll just be right back!" Candi left.

Everyone went to the counter, including me. When I turned around, I saw Jaxx sitting down on the bean bag.

I immediately went to him to see if anything was wrong.

"Hey, anything wrong?" I asked him, putting my hand of his shoulder.

"It's nothing," He replied. "I'm just so full from all the snacks I ate earlier at the pool party."

"Were they that good?" I pulled a nearby bean bag and sat on it. "I didn't try them."

"Oh, you missed out, I swear I ate half of those." He then rested his head on my shoulder.

After a few seconds, Alex called. "Levi! Aren't you gonna get some snacks? There's takis!"

I looked at Jaxx. "I'll be right back." I then stood up and walked to Alex.

(Jaxx's POV)

While Levi left to go with Alex, I just sat there, waiting for him.

Suddenly, Luca walked up to me with a bag of chips and sat beside me.

"Why didn't you go get a snack?" Luca asked me.

"I already ate like- half of the snacks at the pool party, so I'm already full. I replied.

"Oh okay, if you say so." Luca put his head on my shoulder and dozed off.

"Hey Luca?-" I tried to wake him up.

Luca woke up surprised. "Oh uh- sorry! Just felt sleepy there for a second."

"Oh it's okay! You can just rest your head on my shoulder." I hope Levi doesn't get mad at me for doing this.

"Are you sure?" Luca asked.

"Yeah! No worries." I replied.

"Well, okay then." He then rested his head on my shoulder and cuddled my arm.

I looked at his soft, fluffy white hair. I then looked at his face. I hope I don't get into trouble for thinking this, but, he looked pretty cute.

If me and Levi break up, if we will even break up, he could be a replacement.

Suddenly, Candi came back with a cart full of skincare or something.

"Hey guys, I'm back!" She brought the cart to the girls.

(Levi's POV)

I came back to Jaxx with Luca sleeping on his shoulder.

"LUCAAA!! COME HERE!" Charli screamed.

Luca woke up. "What?" and walked to them.

It was just me and Jaxx who didn't join. I don't even know what the girls were doing. Probably giving Light a makeover, he really needs one.

"What were you doing with my brother?" I asked Jaxx.

"I- nothing! He just felt sleepy so I let him sleep on my shoulder." He replied.

"Yeah, yeah, right." I crossed my arms.

"By the way, what's that thing you wanted to tell me earlier?" Jaxx asked.

It took me a minute to realize, oh yeah, the thing.

About us dating.

"Nevermind, it's gone now." I looked away.

"What do you mean it's gone now?" He asked. "You mean I waited so long just for this?"

"Well, I-"

He suddenly hugged me from behind.

"Jaxx, what-"

He then put his head on my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek.

Great, now he's flirting with me to try to make me answer.

"Jaxx you b- fine!" I gave up. "But if it hurts your feelings, that's on you."

He stopped hugging me and listened.

"I- It's about us dating." I held his hand tightly.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" He asked.

"It's just that- people might call us freaks you know..."

"What? What do you mean-"

"Are you guys having a moment there?" Alex interrupted our conversation.

"Yeah, we were having a moment, and you just ruined it. Thanks a lot." Jaxx looked back at her.

"Oh, sorry!" Alex apoligized and continued glowing-up Light.


It's been a while, the girls, and Light, were all together chatting, while me, Jaxx and Luca were sitting together.

We were watching a horror movie. Alex recommended it.

Suddenly a jumpscare came on screen.

"AAAAAAA!" The girls (and Light) all screamed and hugged eachother.

"Why are you scared? You recommended this after all." Luca asked Alex.

"I THOUGHT IT WAS COOL OKAY!?" Alex hugged Charli out of fear.

Then another jumpscare came. This time Jaxx screamed.

Out of fear, he hugged me tightly.

"Jaxx-" He hugged me so tight I could barely breathe.

He eventually stopped hugging me and looked at me.

There was a tear in his eye.

I wiped it off. "Awh, Jaxx, you're scared of that?"

"I just don't wanna have nightmares tonight!" He replied.

"Hey, it's okay, if you can't sleep we're here for you!" Luca comforted him.

I don't know why, but I kinda felt a little jealous when he said that.

The rest of the group came over to him to comfort him and we continued watching the movie together.

We finished it and it was time for bed.

~•𝙄𝙣𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙨𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘼𝙐•~Where stories live. Discover now