Ep 9 | Pool party pt2

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Pt2 of pool party episode!

(Levi's POV)

"Hey Levi" Jaxx turned to me.

"I know you're going to splash me." I walked to the edge of the pool and sat down.

"Aw, c'mon!" Jaxx replied, still splashing me anyway.

"Hey! If you keep splashing me I won't tell you the thing I will tell you." I splashed him back.

"Okay, just promise me you won't splash me." He sat down beside me.

I just looked around the place for a second, Candi was talking to probably other popular kids, Luca was trying to put Light's head underwater, and Alex and Charli trying to stop him. Classic day for the Highschool Squad.

"What are they doing there?" I pointed to Luca, Light, Alex and Charli.

"I don't know, but does it really matter? It's just Light anyway." Jaxx replied, looking at the scene.

I laughed softly. "Yeah, it's just Light."

Then a random thought just came into my head.

Why does Jaxx like me?

There's better people out there anyway.


Whatever the answer is, I'll probably be grateful why he liked me in the first place.

"Hey Jaxx..." I told him.

"Yeah?" He turned back to me.

"Why....do you like me?" I asked.

"Well, you're ever since we were kids, you were always so kind and caring to me, and, not gonna lie, you are- kinda hot." He blushed softly.

"Kinda?" I stared at him.

"Hey, atleast be grateful I didn't call you ugly and gave you self-confidence!"

"Shut up before I push you into the pool again!" I shouted at him.

After a few seconds, the girls came up behind us.

"What are you two doing?" Charli jumpscared us.

"W-what?! N-nothing-" I turned around in surprise.

"You guys were making out, weren't you?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

"No!" Me and Jaxx said in unison.

The girls then sat beside us.

"Why aren't you guys swimming? It's a pool party after all." Alex grabbed a floaty and hopped on it.

"Well, if this guy didn't push me into the pool-" Jaxx side-eyed me.

"Well, he was the one who started it!" I replied.

"C'mon, just make up and kiss already!" Charli grabbed a floaty too. "WEEEEE!!"'

Jaxx stared at me.

"Don't you even think about it." I pushed his face away.

"Not even on the cheek?" He asked.

I lowered down my voice. "Jaxx, there's PEOPLE that's gonna STARE at us."

"Fine!" He replied. "Our relationship just started and now I can't even kiss you."

"I- shut up! We can, just- not now."


It was about 30 minutes or something, I was at the corner of the pool where only a few people were.

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