First day of Freshman | PT.2

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Pt. 2 of Levi's first day of Freshman

(Levi's Pov)

"Great. Math." Levi said as he walked with the group.

"Hey, it's the first day of school, I'm sure it won't be that bad!" Alex replied with a smile on her face.

"Speaking of Math- wait, where did Luca go?" Levi asked

"Uh, don't worry, he's probably fine!"


They already entered the classroom a few minutes before the teacher arrived.

"Good morning students!" The teacher said, putting down her bag and sitting down.

"Good morning Ms.!" The whole class greeted.

"Before we proceed, I'm going to give a seating arrangement."

"Alex, please sit over there infront."

"Yes Ms.!"

"------- sit there in the middle."

"Levi, sit behind Alex."

"Hey bestie!" Alex whispered

"Jaxx, sit next to Levi."

Seriously? Jaxx? Well, atleast he's better than Light.

Atleast he's smart.

"------ sit in front."


Ah yes. Candi. The most popular in the school. Always obsessing over me. If anybody ships us they belong in a mental asylum.

"-Please sit right there."

Phew. That was close. I swear if she sat next to me-

"Uhm Miss, can I sit beside Levi?" Candi asked.

I swear if she-

"Miss she should sit with Levi. They're uh, childhood friends and they can't be seperated!" Dove told the teacher.

Oh yes, I couldn't forget about Dove. Her bestfriend.

The teacher looked at me, asking me if I wanted to sit with her. I shook my head indicating I was saying "no."

"Candi, sit at your assigned spot before I report to the principal."

"UGH! Fine! Stupid!" Candi sat down.

"Dove, sit beside Candi."

"Hey, atleast we're together. SELFIE!"


After a while, it was the last person's turn to get chosen.

"Light, sit at the back."

"Ha, I bet you can't even see there Light with your height!" Jaxx shouted.

The whole room was full with laughter.

"Everyone, enough. Now, write the reminders on the board for our upcoming lessons. We will start our discussion tomorrow."

I pulled out my notebook and wrote as fast as I could.


"That's the bell! Now remember everyone, elections of officers on Friday!" The teacher said.

It was break time already. I grabbed my lunch Mom packed.

"Hey bestie! Wanna eat together?" Alex asked, holding my arm.

"Sure." I agreed.

We both walked out of class together and went in the cafeteria.

"What did you pack?" Alex asked me.

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