Chapter 37 The rush to work for free

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After everyone fell into the sea after eating the grilled fish, they finally reached the important stage of blowing bubbles.

Unlike others who were struggling desperately, Li Shi was very leisurely. Although cats don't like water by nature, it doesn't mean that cats can't swim.

Raising his head, Li Shi tried his best to put his head out of the water, kicked hard with his four legs, and finally learned the complicated swimming posture of dog paddle with difficulty.


Li Shi suddenly realized something was wrong.

There seems to be something warm under his belly?

Looking back, Han Jueming was floating on the water. When his eyes moved down his arms until they reached his belly, Li Shi fell silent.

The answer is simple, his belly is being held by Han Jueming's hands.

Seeing Li Shi looking at him, Han Jueming smiled at Li Shi and said, "It's a small effort, so you're welcome."

Li Shi: "..."

Thank you Gil! Can he swim well? !

Others obviously did not receive the same treatment as Li Shi. Those who could swim held their breath the moment they were about to fall into the sea and floated steadily on the water, while those who could not swim filled their stomachs with sea water and went to the sea. The water sinks.

As a knight commander, Alec quickly sobered up and reacted extremely quickly to rescue his teammates who could not swim. However, one person's strength was not enough after all, and some people were still slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

The singing in the distance stopped suddenly, and it seemed that danger was approaching them...

Li Shi, who was swimming in the sea, felt that his cat's tail seemed to be pulled by something, and he immediately impatiently raised Han's tail beside him. Ju Ming, "Big Devil! Can you stop teasing me!"

Han Jueming tilted his head and looked at Li Shi, spreading his hands as if innocent, "I don't have one."

The feeling of being pulled by the tail still exists, but since Han Jueming didn't reach out to grab his tail, so who did it?

Li Shi was horrified and immediately looked back.

I don't know when there was a mess of seaweed behind him, and a pair of green eyes were hidden in it. I couldn't see the whole thing clearly, but I could clearly feel the other party's evil intentions.

I'll do it! What the hell is this!

Li Shi subconsciously scratched the seaweed with his claws. Seeing this, the other party quickly sank into the water. The dark green fish tail patted the water surface, and then disappeared.

With a human body and a fish tail, and long hair like seaweed, Li Shi was stunned for a moment. Was it a mermaid that was pulling his tail just now?

"Help! Gududu..."

As soon as a player from the warrior camp shouted for help, he was dragged into the bottom of the sea by a mysterious force, leaving only slightly rippling water waves.

"Everyone get together!" Alec pulled out the sword from his waist and gave the order.

Following Alec's command, the remaining nine people all gathered together. Those with weapons and those without weapons took out the belts around their waists - the seven wolves.

[Whether you are educating your children at home or going out to defend against gangsters, you deserve Seven Wolves. 】


The sound of bubbles sounded one after another, and heads emerged one after another from the nearby sea. They all had the same messy seaweed hair, beast-like sharp eyes, sharp fangs, and female human-like features. The upper body, and the huge fish tail.

There are as many as a dozen!

They were staring at Li Shi and others in the encirclement, looking at them as if they were looking at prey that was about to reach their mouths.

"What is this?"

Ding Weiwei put half of his body on Alec's arm and struggled to surface, his eyes filled with fear.

This level was really unfriendly to a landlubber like him. Not only was he unable to display his strength at all, he even had to rely on others. He really wanted to return to the shore! It would be good to face the tauren again!

Yang Yuan said solemnly: "If I'm not mistaken, these should all be mermaids."

"Mermaids?" Middle-aged knight Wang Cheng couldn't help but trembled his fingers, "You're lying! Aren't all mermaids beautiful? ?"

Hearing this, Li Shi silently complained: "How can you expect mermaids in horror games to be good? They are not as good as sewer mermaids."

Wang Cheng: "..."

That's right. He had nothing to say.

"Stop talking about these useless things," Wen Jun frowned slightly and said coldly: "Let's talk about whether to wait for them to get close before killing them, or to take the initiative to attack them."

Li Shi: Sisters, why don't you be so cruel!

Just when Wen Jun was about to rush out uncontrollably, the sound of sea water lapping sounded in the distance.

Woo -

followed by a loud horn sound.

Everyone looked around and saw a ship with several men holding bows and arrows standing on the board.

Whoosh -

the sharp arrow pierced the sky and pierced the chest of a mermaid. The blood stained the sea surface red. Seeing this, the other mermaids plunged into the sea and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


After realizing that they had been saved, the players rushed to the people on the ship for help.

Not long after, the ship came to Li Shi and the others, and the ropes were thrown down one by one. With the help of the sailors, the nine people finally got on the ship.

"Kitty, do you want to enjoy the grooming service?"

Han Jueming's eager voice sounded behind him. Li Shi raised his eyes and glanced at the other person, and said coldly: "No need."

After saying this, Li Shi shook his head suddenly and gave Han Jueming showed what automatic drying technology is.

"...Kitty, you are so naughty."

Han Jueming wiped away the water droplets that splashed on his face, still smiling and not looking angry or annoyed at all.

After shaking off the wet cat hair, Li Shi's tense nerves finally relaxed. He glanced at the four swords carried behind Han Jueming and was quite surprised.

You must know that a sword weighs twenty or thirty kilograms. How come the four swords combined weigh not more than a hundred kilograms?

Good guy, Han Jueming fell into the sea with these four swords on his back. Not only did he not sink to the bottom, but he also didn't drop any of his swords!

You must know that the other sword-wielding knights were almost sunk by the armor and swords on their bodies. Han Jueming actually completed the task so well. It has to be said that he is really a qualified tool man. Exclusive resources for novels, group special price 6.0 yuan, monthly fee to join the group, permanent address 50 yuan micro-ly x775,15 3909

"Hello," a shirtless sailor walked out. The honest man in leather armor smiled kindly and said, "I am the captain of this ship. You can call me Anselm."

Alec followed suit and gave Anselm a standard knightly salute. I am here to exterminate the demons on the order of the king. I am Alec, the leader of the knights."

"Eradicate the demons?"

Anselm was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face became more sincere, "Then. Well, you are welcome to join our fleet."


Now the people who were stunned became Li Shi and the others. What did Anselm mean by this?

"Oh, yes, I forgot to introduce you," Anselm motioned for everyone to look at the shirtless sailors, "We all come here voluntarily to hunt monsters to prevent them from escaping here and causing harm to the world."

Hearing this . Here, everyone looked at Anselm and others and immediately admired them. Even though they looked like ordinary people, they were able to stick here for many years and fight against the powerful monsters. They were really brave.

Li Shi asked curiously: "What were those half-human, half-fish monsters just now? Why do we fall into the water inexplicably when they sing?"

"That's a type of sea monster. We call it a siren." Anselm explained: "The songs of the sirens are very confusing and will make the behavior of creatures out of control. When you fall into the water, they will come to catch you as food."

When food...

Thinking of this, Li Shi The others all shuddered and lit wax for the unlucky player who was captured...

"By the way," Kevin remembered the task assigned by the high priest and immediately asked Anselm a question, "There are many Warcraft here. Is there the most powerful monster? "

From what the high priest said, the monster guarding the third passage is very strong, so they can't go wrong by taking the strongest one back, right?

"Because this is the passage to the Demon Realm, there are indeed many magical beasts in the sea. We have persisted here for many years, but we still have not been able to completely kill them all. As for the strongest magical beast?"

Anselm suddenly smiled, " It must be Scylla, right? Scylla is huge, with six heads and twelve hands. It is the natural enemy of all sea monsters. However, it has not been seen for many years, and it is not known whether it is still there. Not in this sea area."

"Ah... what should we do?"

The players couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. If they couldn't catch Scylla, wouldn't it mean that they couldn't complete the mission assigned by the high priest?

"I have a way," Anselm said with a serious face: "You are here to help me hunt Warcraft. Sooner or later, you will encounter Scylla, right?"

Everyone: "..."

Come and work for free if you have the guts. What's going on?

I can't believe that Anselm, who seems to be a very honest person, can be so cunning!

Could it be that all six sailors were tricked by Anselm? How pitiful...

No matter how reluctant they were, Li Shi and the others quickly adapted to the job.

To be honest, life at sea is still very comfortable. There is plenty of fresh water on the boat. When you are hungry, you will be grilled by the devil with love. When you are sleepy, you can sleep in the comfortable cabin. When you are free, you can catch mice on the boat.

If he wasn't attacked by sea monsters all the time, Li Shi really wanted to live this kind of life forever...

"Fire arrows!"

The lights on the boat were brightly lit, and on the sea below the boat were pairs of eyes flashing with a faint green light.

They are no strangers to these enemies in Li Shi. Yes, this is their old friend-the Siren.

As the most numerous group of sirens, the sirens launched an attack almost every night in order to fill their stomachs. They could hardly sleep peacefully at night.

Of course, every attack by the Sirens ended in failure, but they did not retreat, but became more and more courageous.

"Quick! Give me the arrows!"

As the only member of the logistics team, Li Shi held bags of arrows one after another, running around on the ship's deck to provide warmth to everyone one by one.

There was no other way. As a cat, Li Shi didn't have to think about archery. Apart from being shot as prey, he could only hand out arrows.

[MTL, BL] After Turning Into a Cat, I Cheated in The Horror GameWhere stories live. Discover now