Chapter 74 Do you like the surprise I prepared for you?

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"What are you thinking about?"

Han Jueming's gentle voice recalled Li Shi's thoughts.

Li Shi shook his head, "It's nothing."

He couldn't say that the big devil was too strong, right? Hearing this kind of compliment, the other person will definitely be proud!

"Since it's okay, let's go downstairs?"


Li Shi was a little puzzled. They could complete the task as long as they stayed in the dungeon for another day and a half. They could just lie down in the bedroom, so why bother? Going out?

Han Jueming looked at Li Shi with a smile, "I have a surprise for you."


Li Shi nodded and followed Han Jueming obediently. Han Jueming, who was walking in front, suddenly He turned around, grabbed Li Shi's hand, and led him out of the room.

"You, what are you doing?"

Feeling that the hand holding him was dry and strong, Li Shi's hand shook as if he was electrocuted. He subconsciously wanted to break away, but the other party held him tightly, and it didn't hurt. It hurts, but it's awkward.

Han Jueming blinked at Li Shi, and the smile on his face seemed to have succeeded in some conspiracy, "Hold you so you won't get lost."

Li Shi: "..."

How could he say this ? Like a road idiot?

He is very smart!

However, considering that he was still on duty, Li Shi had to abide by the duchess's personality. If Han Jueming, as the duke, took the initiative to hold his hand, he seemed to be unable to refuse.

In this case...then he should reluctantly agree!

The reason why he agreed was because the system forced him to do so. It was definitely not because the hand holding him felt good, and he was a little reluctant to let go!

Looking at Han Jueming with a smile on his face, and Li Shi on the side looking awkward and shy, the barrage in the live broadcast room became popular again. Although a small number of straight men chose to quit the live broadcast room, there were more people who liked to kowtow. People from CP entered the live broadcast room.

After all, if nothing else, Han Jueming and Li Shi are pretty good-looking. They are more handsome than many celebrities. They will definitely make a lot of money when they compete!

【Ouch! The kitten's human form is so cute! ]

[This pair of CPs are so loving! They are also a couple in real life, right? 】

【Of course! Before entering the dungeon, the big devil also proved on social media that real kittens are very cute! What does this mean? 】

【Are we really fighting? Love it, love it! ]

[Ugh... I want to see the big devil and the little kitten get married. 】

【You are not alone! ]


After going downstairs, Han Jueming informed the maid to clean up the room, and then took Li Shi towards the restaurant.

"Good boy, close your eyes first."

Han Jueming's voice was so gentle that it almost drowned him.


Li Shi was a little hesitant. He was instinctively afraid of the dark. It was better when he maintained his cat form. After all, cats have excellent hearing and smell, so even if they couldn't see, it wouldn't be a big problem. .

But now he is in human form!

If he closed his eyes, who knew whether Han Jueming would trick him into leading him into the ditch?

Han Jueming urged with a smile in his eyes: "I'm holding you, what are you afraid of?"


Li Shi reluctantly closed his eyes, even though Han Jueming was holding him. , he was still scared to death, so he moved forward in small steps. He didn't know how long it would take him to reach the restaurant at the end of the corridor with this walking method.

Han Jueming shook his head and laughed, took the initiative to let go of Li Shi's hand, and easily picked up Li Shi with a push of his arms.


The feeling of weightlessness made Li Shi very uncomfortable. While subconsciously hugging Han Jueming's neck, he couldn't help but open his eyes. What came into view was Han Jueming's handsome face so close at hand.

The distance between their faces was so close that Li Shi could even clearly see Han Jueming's long, distinct eyelashes. Below the eyelashes were his pair of deep black eyes, which looked affectionate and charming when he looked at Li Shi.

Li Shi's face immediately turned red.

Really, I really don't blame him for not being able to resist temptation!

Han Jueming's face is so handsome, you wouldn't be able to resist it.

"It will be faster to walk if I hold you in my arms, what do you think?"

Although he had already hugged you, Han Jueming still asked Xia Lishi for his opinion, even though... he had no intention of letting go.

Li Shi blushed and nodded, then quickly buried his face in Han Jueming's shoulder, looking shy like a curled up little hedgehog.

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly started crying and howling again.

At this time, the number of viewers in Lishi's live broadcast room has exceeded all live broadcast rooms since the "One World" game test! More popular than any live broadcast!

The testers were all jealous, and they secretly wondered if they should also find someone to buy CP? I don't expect to be as popular as the Big Demon King and Li Shi, but I can at least get some attention, right?

Not long after, Han Jueming came to the restaurant with Li Shi in his arms, "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Li Shi opened his eyes carefully, and when he turned around, he saw the huge one placed on the dining table. cake.

The cake is more than one meter high, with more than ten layers at a rough count. The snow-white cream is dotted with many delicious chocolates and fresh flowers. A chubby orange cat is made of cream on the top layer of cake, which looks like Very cute.

In addition to a giant cake, the dining table was also filled with all kinds of delicacies. More than 20 maids stood on both sides of the dining table, clapping their hands and sending blessings for the Li season with smiles on their faces.

Li Shi was dumbfounded, "I guess... I, my birthday doesn't seem to be today, right?"

"Although today is not your birthday," Han Jueming gently kissed the side of Li Shi's face, "but it's you New student, do you like the surprise I have prepared for you?"

[Wow wow wow! The big devil is too good at it! ]

[Woooo...Why don't I have a boyfriend who is so flirtatious? ]

[Kitten, why are you still dazed? Promise him! 】

【That's right! If you meet a man as good as the Demon King, marry him as soon as possible! ]

"I, I..."

Feeling the warm and soft touch on his cheek, Li Shi's face turned even redder, and his head became even more confused, as if it was filled with paste.


Li Shi thought of a more serious problem. He was still being held by Han Jueming!

Although, although he is quite thin, he is still an adult man after all, weighing at least 120 pounds. Han Jueming can hold him for such a long time without blushing, which has fully proved to him that he is My body is in good shape, it should be suitable...


What the hell is he thinking about?

Li Shi shook his head desperately to drive away all the chaotic thoughts in his mind, but even so, his heart was still beating wildly against his will.

He seems to be completely defeated...

Realizing this, Li Shi glanced at Han Jueming, who was close at hand, with a hint of resentment.

Han Jueming tilted his head with confusion in his eyes, "Aren't you happy?"

"No," Li Shi bit his lip and said with a troubled expression, "I'm very happy. I'm so happy that I almost died."

Nothing wrong, just take care of your heart . If he can maintain such a jumping method for a few more minutes, he will definitely die suddenly...


Han Jueming was also confused. Obviously Li Shi's current reaction was far beyond his expectation. It stands to reason that seeing him deliberately Aren't you supposed to be happy with the surprise you've prepared?

Why are you so sad that you feel like dying?

Didn't he tease her hard enough?

But... if you flirt a little harder, you will become a greasy man!

"Duke," Butler Hillman, who knew how to listen carefully, stood up and said, "Is it time for the Duchess to cut the cake?"

Hillman's words successfully broke the awkward atmosphere between the two.

Li Shi woke up immediately and hurriedly wanted to get out of Han Jueming's arms, but now he was not as dexterous as when he was in cat form. The consequence of forcing his way out was that he almost fell down. In the end, Han Jueming reacted quickly and helped Li Shi. .

The temperature on his face that was about to dissipate started to rise again. Li Shi did not dare to look at Han Jueming anymore and hurriedly ran towards Butler Hillman, "Aren't you going to cut the cake? Where is the knife?"

Now Butler Hillman has recovered. Without the human form, he looks like an elegant middle-aged gentleman. This way he will not make people fear him at all.


At Butler Hillman's reminder, the maid came out with a plate with a cake knife on it, and handed the cake knife to Li Shi.

Li Shi took the knife and cut the cake in a panic. Maybe because he was too nervous and his hands were shaking, he didn't cut it very neatly, but no one in the room dared to laugh at him.

Unsurprisingly, the creamy orange cat on the top layer of the cake belonged to Li Shi. Then Li Shi not only cut a piece of cake for Han Jueming, but even the maids present also got a piece of cake.

After doing all this, Li Shi sat down to eat.

During the meal, Han Jueming kept looking for topics to communicate with Li Shi, but Li Shi just buried his head in eating and didn't dare to look at Han Jueming, which gave Han Jueming another headache.

Was his behavior when he was pro-Lebanon too abrupt?

Although they had kissed before, Li Shi was still a cat at that time, so the feeling must be different from when he was a relative...

Li Shi must feel very uncomfortable, right?

So is he going to apologize?


Han Jueming had just spoken, but before he had time to apologize, he was hurriedly interrupted by Li Shi on the side, "Try this piece of foie gras, it's delicious!"

Li Shi rudely cut it with a fork. Foie gras was stuffed into Han Jueming's mouth, making him want to completely block Han Jueming's mouth.

Han Jueming's cheeks bulged: "Well..."

Next, whenever Han Jueming wanted to speak, Li Shi would choose to seal the other person's mouth with food.

Being fed to Han Jueming showed that this love is very heavy.

In order not to be fed like a pig by someone, Han Jueming had to keep his mouth shut.

The meal ended awkwardly.

Seeing that things were not going well between the two, the matchmaker, Butler Hillman, took action again, "Duke, Duchess, we can take care of it here. Do you want to go to the garden? The flowers are blooming very well this season. "

Han Jueming stood up and looked at Li Shi, "I really want to go, will you go?"


Looking at Han Jueming's pitiful eyes, Li Shi couldn't bear to say no, so he had to say Nodding in agreement, "Okay, okay, let's go together."

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