Chapter 84 Be good, let's go together

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Li Shi was startled. Fortunately, Han Jueming reacted quickly and escaped in time.

"Ho ho..."

A heavy gasp sounded.

The two looked around and used the bright lights to successfully see the creature that had just attacked them.

This creature has a human appearance, with smooth and tan skin, and is thin and dry, like a mummy. He has no hair on his body, and the facial features on his face barely resemble a human. He looks very ferocious and has long hands. The legs are long, and especially the ends of the two arms are not palms, but two extremely sharp sickles!

"Holy shit! What the hell is this!"

Li Shi was horrified. The zombies he encountered before were all human-like, but this thing looks so weird, it must be a monster after all!

"I don't know what the hell is going on," Han Jueming said frankly, "But I know he wants to eat us."

Li Shi: "..." Shan Yu~Xi~Du~Jia.

Do you need to say this?

Didn't you see that this monster's hala was almost dripping to the ground?

Before the two of them finished talking, the monster on the other side couldn't bear it anymore. He crossed his legs and moved forward, attacking Li Shi and the others again at an extremely fast speed. The sickle on his arm was slashed down, ready to cut off Li Shi and the others. Han Jueming's neck.

Damn it!

If this sickle really hits, someone will be killed on the cliff!


Seeing this, Han Jueming decisively put Li Shi down in his arms, patted Li Shi's round protective mask, and took the initiative to meet him and fight with the monster.

Since there was no weapon in his hand, Han Jueming was a little helpless in fighting. After all, the monster also had two sickles on its body, which were very flexible to use. It could stab, chop, chop... it was so flexible to use.

After fighting for about five or six minutes, Han Jueming finally won. He used his flexible body skills to crash into the monster's arms, and successfully let the monster stab him in the stomach with a sickle.

But the monster's vitality is really tenacious. Even if it is stabbed through the stomach and all the intestines and other organs in the abdomen flow out, the monster is still alive and well, but its movements are a little slow.

Youdao took advantage of his illness to kill him. Han Jueming quickly took advantage of this perfect opportunity to blow up the monster's head. After losing the baby's head, the monster lost all vitality and lay motionless on the ground. Han Jueming The price Ming paid was just a cut in his protective suit, which did not hurt him.

Li Shi breathed a sigh of relief and jumped towards Han Jueming, "What the hell is this?"

Han Jueming raised his eyebrows and looked at the monster corpse on the ground. "Only by blowing his head off can he lose it." Judging from this characteristic, it is probably something like a zombie."

"Are there any more zombies like this?"

Li Shi was a little curious, so he took a picture of the cruel death of the monster in front of him and sent it to him. Operator S, and soon Li Shi received the answer from Operator S.

"This is indeed a zombie, just one of the mutant zombies. Mutated zombies are relatively rare, but each of them is far more powerful than ordinary zombies."


Li Shi suddenly wanted to strike, "You You mean there are other zombies that are more powerful than this mutant zombie?"

"Yes." S hesitated and continued: "It sounds like you don't know much about this knowledge. You need me to send you a copy of the mutation. Any information on the zombies?"


Li Shi accepted everyone who came. After all, knowing more information would save him from not knowing how he died.

S first sent an electronic version of information about mutated zombies to Li Shi, and finally said: "The base is very important. It contains a lot of important information and research results. Your task is very difficult. You must close down all the information in the base." Gate, protect the base from zombies and awakeners, reinforcements are on their way, please hold on!"

"Okay, okay!"

Li Shi nodded and cut off without hesitation. contact with S.

It's not that he doesn't need S's guidance, it's mainly because Han Jueming on the side looked at him a little wrong, as if he was cheating on him right in front of Han Jueming.

What happened?

Wasn't it because the operator's voice was so nice that he felt a little intoxicated? What's the big deal?

"My dear, you seem a little unconvinced?"

Han Jueming crossed his arms, tapped the ground with his toes, and looked at Li Shi with squinted eyes.

Li Shi quickly raised two cat paws and said with an innocent face: "No, no! I am very convinced! No one can disobey you if you don't!"

There was no way, he didn't have much force value, and he would have to rely on Han Jueming to protect him in the future. As for him, so...he must not offend this great god!

【Ouch! I love the cowardly little kitten! 】

【It's so cute! It makes my face bleed! ]

[It's so funny that the big devil is always jealous! ]

[Why does it feel like a counter-CP? Did I stand on the wrong side and take the attack? 】

【fart! How could the big devil be so awesome! Obviously the little cat is a coward! 】

The two people in the dungeon didn't know that the live broadcast room was already quarreling over their attack and reception issues. At this time, their attention had moved from the mutated zombies to the equipment in the control room.

How to close the gate on the first floor of the base is the most critical issue at the moment.

After all...if you close the gate a second too late, one more zombie will enter the base.

"Are you really going to do this?"

Li Shi's cat's paw pressed on the switch of the instrument. As long as he pushed it hard, the instrument would start, closing the gate on the first floor in disguise, but... the consequences of that... It may not be affordable.

Seemingly sensing Li Shi's hesitation, Han Jueming smiled reassuringly at Li Shi, stretched out a hand, and placed his hand on Li Shi's cat's paw with a very gentle tone.

"Be good, let's go together."


Li Shi nodded.

In this way, the two of them worked together to flip the switch.

【Fuck! I thought wrongly...I feel sorry for the country and the people! ]

[The words of the Great Demon King seem like a conversation from that time! Killing me! 】

【There's something wrong with you! ]

[There's something wrong with me... I'm obviously a simple underage, wuwuwu, I'm not clean anymore. ]

[Report the big devil ghs! ]

[Take me one! I want to report it too! 】

After a group of laughing and joking barrages passed in the live broadcast room, what happened next was something that no one expected.

The ground beneath his feet suddenly trembled, and soon the entire base began to shake, as if it was about to collapse.

"Let's go!"

Han Jueming didn't dare to delay, so he quickly hugged Li Shi and ran away.

The two of them rushed to the elevator not far away without stopping, preparing to go to the next level of the base.

At the same time, the scene behind the two people was also very spectacular.

Since the gate on the first floor of the base had been destroyed, Li Shi and Han Jueming were not immortals, so naturally they could no longer close the gate, so Han Jueming thought of another idea.

Just completely seal off the area inside the gate!

When the switch was pressed, the ceiling in the area near the gate collapsed, and the ground above the base and everything including the building materials sank at the same time, directly smashing the zombies and awakened people who were about to enter the base.

Bright red blood seeped out from a pile of construction debris and smeared on the ground of the base. The snow-white walls and the bright red blood formed a sharp contrast, fully demonstrating the cruelty of the apocalypse.

At this time, the two instigators had already passed the elevator and entered the second floor of the base.

Judging from the map, the second floor of the base mainly contains weapons depots and some important equipment.

Originally, Li Shi, as an ordinary researcher, was not qualified to enter this level, but now there seems to be no living person in the base except Li Shi, so the system in the base automatically opened privileges for him in times of emergency, allowing him to enter and exit the base freely. any layer within.

"Let's go!"

Li Shi couldn't wait to take Han Jueming to the weapons depot. After all, only with life-saving weapons can he be confident.

Fortunately, we didn't see any mutated zombies or awakened ones along the way. The few ordinary zombies we occasionally encountered were also dealt with by Han Jueming, and the two of them arrived at the weapons depot smoothly.

As a member of the God-making Organization, Li Shi has already had a chip implanted in his brain. As long as he stands in front of the weapons depot, the system in the base can automatically sense the chip. As long as it matches the mental fluctuations in the chip that belong exclusively to Li Shi. , you can successfully open the access control of the weapons depot and take away the weapons inside.

Squeak -

the access control recognition speed is very fast, and the recognition was successful almost as soon as Li Shi stood in front of the door.

Li Shi and Han Jueming looked at each other, their eyes full of joy, "Let's go! We can get weapons!"


Han Jueming smiled at Li Shi and walked into the weapons warehouse with Li Shi in his arms. .

However... what the two people, whose attention was completely attracted by the weapons depot, did not notice was that shortly after the door of the weapons depot was closed, several figures also came outside the weapons depot.

The weapons warehouse is very large, and the weapons in it are also diverse, and there are all kinds of weapons.

Considering that a weapon that was too powerful was good, but too bulky, it would be impractical for two people to carry it with them. In desperation, the two could only choose a weapon that was more convenient to carry.

The plasma gun is very good. It can shoot a single long-range energy bomb. The power is quite amazing. It can attack mutant zombies with relatively hard heads from a distance.

Decisively buy one for Han Jueming!

The meat grinder gun is also good. It is equipped with multiple titanium blades and the rotation speed is very high. It can cut hard things at a distance or at close range. It is also installed!

Since Li Shi is now the size of a cat and has no hands, he cannot control these weapons. In the end, he resorted to two energy templates. These two energy templates are divided into static and dynamic ones and can move and slow down living and non-living objects. The speed is still very practical.

Li Shi sighed.

Since he can't be the output position, then he can honestly assist Han Jueming.

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