Chapter 110 Please don't do anything casually

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"Kill them!"

Li Shi, Han Jueming and others were all surrounded by these servants. The servants tried to kill them and bury them with the shameless dude.

In order not to be beaten as sandbags, Li Shi and the others had no choice but to fight back, and everyone fell into a melee.

"Right, right here!"

Xiangmei's charming voice sounded from a distance, followed by a series of thunderous footsteps.

There were hundreds of guards all running over!

Xiangmei pointed at Lin Hao and the others who were watching the fun not far away and said: "They refused to save the eldest lady, and just watched the eldest lady being insulted!"

Upon hearing this, the guards became angry and not only beat them The servants and even the players were beaten together.

In this way, a complete chaos began.

Li Shi and the others originally didn't want to take action, but in the end they were forced to the point where they would die if they didn't take action, so they had no choice but to join the battle.

As for the eldest lady?

There were so many people that I didn't know where they were rushed.

Although these guards are highly skilled in martial arts, the players who have reached this dungeon now have props and abilities at their disposal, and it only took them a little longer to finish off all the guards.

This is not over yet. The big commotion here obviously alarmed the entire prefect's mansion. In the end, all the guards and servants in the prefect's mansion came out to surround and suppress the players.

After half a day of bloody fighting, only a few players died, but all the guards and families in the prefect's mansion were wiped out. In the end, not even the prefect, his wife and children were left alive.

Seeing the mess in the prefect's mansion, everyone fell silent.

They originally just wanted to verify whether the eldest lady was a monster, but why did it develop to this point?

[Sexy player, killing NPC's whole family online. ]

[6666 These players are really messing around! ]

[All the NPCs are dead. How are the players going to complete the mission now? ]

[It's miserable, it's the little cat and the others who are miserable. They were the ones who clearly saved the eldest lady with good intentions, so why did they get beaten along with them? ]

[Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered something, where is the eldest lady? ]

[...This is a good question. 】


One of the players exclaimed loudly. He dug through the pile of corpses and finally pulled the eldest lady out from underneath.

The eldest lady's originally white Shengxue's neck had a hideous wound. It seemed that she had been struck to death by a random sword. Seeing this scene, the players all fell silent.

Obviously, none of them expected that the lady they suspected was a monster would die in the melee.

This is the second time that the eldest lady died. To be honest, the players were quite curious about how the dead eldest lady would be resurrected, so they simply moved the eldest lady's body to the yard of their residence, hoping to see the eldest lady with their own eyes. How on earth was he resurrected?

I have to say, there are quite a lot of animals...

The poor eldest lady will not be able to die peacefully!

Before Li Shi left, he looked around and frowned slightly as he looked at the corpses strewn in the courtyard.

"Donor, what's wrong?"

Han Jueming had a master-like charitable smile on his face.

Li Shi still frowned, "I always feel like I'm missing someone?"

"Who is it?"

Wu Yi, who hadn't been beaten enough yet, couldn't help but come closer.

"I don't know," Li Shi shook his head, "...Maybe I felt wrong."

Without staying any longer, the group returned to the large courtyard that the prefect had prepared for them.

The body of the eldest lady was simply cleaned up and placed in the center of the yard. A circle of players surrounded it, just standing here waiting for the eldest lady to be resurrected.

Unknowingly, the sky was getting dark, a gust of wind blew, and everyone in the yard fell asleep uncontrollably. When they woke up again, it was already late at night.


Everyone who had just woken up was shocked.

"What's going on? I was clearly not sleepy just now, so why did I fall asleep?"

"Who said otherwise? I never take a nap!"

"Is it another monster?"

A group of players said Whispers started.


A scream attracted everyone's attention, "Look! Where is the eldest lady?!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the player's finger, and then they were surprised to find that they had placed it in the center of the yard. The body of the eldest lady has mysteriously disappeared!

Bang bang -

at this moment, there was a knock on the door, which was especially harsh in the silent night.

"Who, who?"

A delicate female voice sounded, and then the door opened, and Xiangmei walked in from the outside, "Masters, where are you going to have dinner?"

Everyone: "..."

This sleep Okay, how can they still think about eating?

Wu Yi, the only one who was still thinking about eating, rubbed his hungry belly and said, "Beauty, bring the dinner over and we can eat it ourselves."

"Okay, masters, wait a moment."

Xiangmei was about to turn around and go out, when she was An impatient player blocked the way, "Why are you alone? Where is the eldest lady? Where is the eldest lady?"

Xiangmei turned around and looked at the player as if she was crazy, "Master, what are you talking about? Ah? Of course the eldest lady is in her room, where else can she go? "

What?" !

The eldest lady is alive again!

Everyone collapsed a little when they heard this.

Now, they finally know why the system gave them the task of killing a fragile girl, because the eldest lady is really difficult to kill!

Let's not talk about whether the other party is a monster. With the ability to die and come back to life, it is definitely not a simple thing.

How can we completely kill the eldest lady?

this is a problem.

While waiting for dinner to arrive, everyone briefly discussed and decided to find out some secrets in this copy so that they could successfully kill the eldest lady.

Others firmly believe that the reason why the eldest lady is dead and alive is because she has not been killed enough, so several violent players represented by Lin Hao went to find the eldest lady again, preparing to get it in one night. A dozen or twenty heads.

Even if this eldest lady really has the ability to resurrect, she should be able to reach the upper limit of resurrection after killing her so many times, right?

Li Shi and Han Jueming gathered in the same room. Gu Xinyue and Wen Jun, who were familiar with them, were also among them. The four decided to form a temporary team to complete the task.

Gu Xinyue and Wen Jun are no longer novice testers, so there is no need to compete with Li Shi for the title of first place tester rookie. For them, it is very important to get a few more points in this copy. Earned.

"I think..."

Li Shi spoke up, "This dungeon should have a correct story line. We must follow this story line to kill the eldest lady correctly."

Wen Jun asked curiously: "Li Shi, you What do you mean?"


Li Shi thought for a moment, "I mean there is no problem with the dungeon mission. Who will kill the eldest lady?"

Gu Xinyue nodded, A hint of understanding flashed in his eyes, "Li Shi, I understand. What you mean is that the mission must be completed according to the correct story line and the eldest lady dies in the hands of the correct NPC, right? And our mission is to Is the story line correct?"


Li Shi snapped his fingers, "That's what I want to say! Through last night and today, we have confirmed that the player will not kill the eldest lady a few times. If she doesn't, she will be resurrected. Such death is not death at all to her. In addition, the eldest lady cannot die in the hands of that young master. Death in his hands will not be considered as completing the mission."

Wen Jun continued to ask: " What should we do? "


Li Shi touched his chin, "I don't have any good ideas. Let's start by preventing the eldest lady and the young master from meeting tomorrow!"


Clear your mind ! Afterwards, Gu Xinyue and Wen Jun both went back to their rooms to eat. At this time, only Li Shi and Han Jueming, a good partner who worked together, were left in the room.


Han Jueming narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a strange tone, "I find that you are very powerful now. You can completely rely on your own ideas to lead others to complete tasks."

"What?" Li Shi proudly said He put his hands on his hips and asked, "Did I guess wrong? Or do you have other opinions?"

"No, no!"

Han Jueming had a very strong desire to survive and praised quickly: "I mean you are so awesome. Under your leadership, I can win."


Li Shi patted Han Jueming's shoulder happily, "Did you know that? Don't worry, as long as I can pass the dungeon, I will definitely not fall behind. Yours!"

"Wife, you are so good..."

"Hey! Praise me, please don't do it!"

"Don't worry about the details..."

Just like that, the two of them started to get tired of each other again.

[Hey~ These two are really amazing. ]

[Yes, others are seriously discussing how to complete the task, and these two people are starting to fall in love again. ]

[Why is it that after having the kitten, the big devil becomes more and more stupid? I can't believe this is the big devil I knew before! 】

【After watching this live broadcast, I discovered the wife-slave nature hidden under the fierce appearance of the big devil. ]

[Hey, where is the big devil's ambition? Now it's all just salted fish. ]

[Although the Big Demon King is quite speechless, I feel that Li Shi's progress should be the fastest among all players. If nothing else, the rookie tester did not run away this time. 】


next day.

Not surprisingly, Xiangmei and the eldest lady appeared in the player's yard again.

Players are already numb.

Last night, several players followed Lin Hao to improve their scores and killed the eldest lady twenty-three times!

Every time after the eldest lady died and was resurrected successfully, she was killed by them again before she could even say a word. Just like that, in the morning, she still appeared alive in front of them!

I have to say, this resurrection ability is really awesome.

Xiangmei continued to pose a multiple-choice question to the players with a sweet smile, "Masters, do you want to bring breakfast over, or eat it with the prefect and lady?"

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