Chapter 105 The poor monk fell in love with the donor at first sight

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Seeing Li Shi's confused look, Gu Xinyue also knew that Li Shi had read the dungeon information, and quickly asked with concern: "This dungeon basically talks about cat perversion, and you are wearing a secondary cat character model. What are you going to do?"

"Don't panic!"

Li Shi threw away the two-bitten fish and said calmly: "I still have a tool that can be used!"

As he said that, he took out the [Clone Potion] from his personal space. This prop is a test tube containing a light blue medicine. There are four graduation lines on it, which divide the medicine inside into five equal parts.

Li Shi had to take a sip according to the scale every time he used it. A bottle of potion could only last him five times. The potion's effect lasted for one day, which meant that he had to complete the task within five days, otherwise he would return later. There is danger once you reach cat form.


Li Shi sighed.

Apart from using props, he has no other way to avoid those NPCs who are full of ill intentions towards him. Besides, props are meant to be used, right?

Thinking of this, Li Shi felt a lot more comfortable, took a deep breath and drank a potion.


Li Shi smacked his mouth twice, and his facial expression suddenly became ferocious.

Depend on! So sour!

He was so sore that his tears and nose were about to flow out!

【2333...The kitten is so funny like this! ]

[Obviously the little kitten was in terrible misery, but I laughed out loud. I am guilty. ]

[Why does it feel like the kitten drank poison? ]

[Yes, you must know that cats all suffer from facial paralysis. This medicine poisons kittens to such rich facial expressions that no one else can. 】

Suddenly, the joking in the live broadcast room stopped abruptly!

Because -

after the orange cat in the picture took the potion, his body was suddenly enveloped by a white light. As time went by, the white light gradually became larger. The white light stopped growing until it was as tall as a person. When the light dissipated , Li Shi inside has changed drastically!

She has soft blond hair, half loose and half restrained. Although her facial features are still the same as Li Shi's, they are just more refined, as if a filter has been added.

With picturesque eyebrows, cherry-like lips, and skin like gelatin, a frail young man dressed in white clothes that looked better than snow stood on the stone bridge, with his golden hair blowing in the breeze. He was so beautiful that it took your breath away.

【Fuck! Where did this handsome man come from! ]

[This is a kitten! The blonde beauty loves it! ]

[ Wuwuwu... Another day when I want to steal someone from the big devil. 】

【Well, interrupt me, a kitten with this golden hair on its head, isn't it abnormal in the eyes of a group of ancient people who only have black hair? ]

[Uh... that's right, will Curious Kitty really not be found out about his true identity? 】

Not only the viewers in the live broadcast room were shocked by Li Shi's beauty, but also the players in the dungeon. Especially the players who witnessed Li Shi's transformation from beginning to end were completely frightened.

The big fat cat that was holding a live fish and gnawing at it just now has turned into an immortal in the blink of an eye. You must be a liar!

Li Shi didn't seem to understand the strange look in everyone's eyes when they looked at him. He opened his big confused eyes and asked with a cute look on his face: "Okay, I'll be fine now. Is it time to go to the mission location now?"

" Ahem... let's go."

Everyone calmed down and quickly followed Li Shi's pace in embarrassment.

The mission location is not difficult to find. According to the dungeon information, the mission location is obviously the Governor's Mansion. A group of people are walking through the antique town.

There was an endless flow of people on the street, including those on horseback, on foot, and those driving carts... The clothes were all different, but everyone's expression was the same calm and comfortable.

A group of people asked for directions and rushed to the prefect's mansion.

Not long after, they had arrived at their destination.

In front of you are red bricks and green tiles, pavilions and cornices. The three characters "Prefect's Mansion" are written on the plaque in the center. There are also exquisite red lanterns hanging on both sides of the main entrance, adding a bit of joy to the solemn Prefect's Mansion.

At this time, the main gate of the prefect's mansion was wide open, people were coming and going, and Yuxi's house was very lively.

As soon as they saw Li Shi's arrival, someone came up to them immediately. This person was wearing a rather luxurious ancient costume. There was a huge word "Butler" above his head. When the player's eyes fell on it, he successfully remembered it. After revealing the identity of the other party, the word 'housekeeper' flashed by and disappeared.

The butler had a flattering smile on his face, "You are also the masters invited by our master, right?"

Li Shi and the others nodded in unison.

Gu Xinyue even echoed, "Yes, we are disciples of Tianwu Sect, invited by the prefect."

After hearing this, the smile on the butler's face deepened, and his attitude was very respectful, "Guys please come quickly. Come in, the other experts invited by our master have arrived and are now in the living room!"

Gu Xinyue looked at the housekeeper and frowned, "Are we going there too?

" The butler explained: "Our master has invited many experts this time, and it will be difficult to gather them together for a while, so he will not show up until all the experts have arrived."


There is already speculation in everyone's mind.

Isn't it that the NPC will announce the clues only after all the players have completed their mission points? Then they can just wait.

A group of people followed the housekeeper to the living room. The living room had already been filled with people. A rough count would have to be at least thirty or forty people. Everyone was dressed in strange ways. It was difficult to find someone who was exactly the same. I have to say. In terms of styling design, the system is quite impressive.

Although there were many people, Li Shi still spotted Han Jueming himself among these people at a glance.

It's not that Han Jueming is extremely handsome, it's just that his style is too eye-catching, oh no, it's eye-catching.

In Han Jueming's eyes, there seemed to be spring snow that had not yet melted. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the faint smile made people feel like a spring breeze. He was wearing a red cassock. It was obviously a simple style, but there was an innate feeling from the inside out. Comes elegant and noble.

It's just that--

that shining bald head is really dizzying.

【Fuck! Damn it! Damn it! Forgive me for my low cultural level. I can only walk around the world with just one sentence: "F*ck". 】

【The bald head of the big devil can't help but make me call 6666! 】

【Fuck! How hateful! He's so handsome with a bald head, why should he let us ugly guys live? ]

[Sure enough, there are no ugly hairstyles, only ugly people. ]


"This donor, why are you always staring at the poor monk?"

As soon as Li Shi entered the door, Han Jueming immediately set his sights on Li Shi. After a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, he asked in a very amused manner: "Is it because the poor monk is so handsome that he can't look away?"

Li Shi's mouth twitched: "..."

Haha, Han Jueming is such a drama queen!


Han Jueming took the initiative to walk towards Li Shi, bowed and saluted and said, "Would you like a poor monk to tell fortunes for the benefactor? It's free."

Li Shi raised his eyebrows, "You are a monk, not a Taoist priest, why do you bring a fortune teller?"

Han Jueming asked. The smile on Jueming's face did not diminish at all, "There is no separation between Buddhism and Taoism. I also know a little bit about Yin and Yang numerology. Moreover, this is not the point. The point is, donor, what do you want? Future? Marriage or life and death. ?"


Don't you love acting?

Then he will risk his life today to accompany the gentleman, oh no, the boyfriend.

Li Shi also smiled at Han Jueming. This smile combined with his beautiful face could make people's hearts melt.

"Let me give you a simple one, let's figure out who my destined person is."

Han Jueming, a drama star, counted with his fingers and soon showed a look of surprise on his face, "Donor, your destined person... actually It's so far away, so close at hand!"


Li Shi looked left and right, but refused to look at Han Jueming, who was directly opposite him. "Why didn't I notice? Could it be that you, a bald ass, was just talking nonsense? Mine, right?"

Han Jueming said in an aggrieved tone, "To be honest, your destined benefactor is actually a poor monk!"

Li Shi smiled kindly, "Aren't you a monk? Monks can't get married. You'd better match me with a destined person."


Han Jueming didn't expect Li Shi to have this answer. He choked at the words and found his voice after a moment, "Donor, The poor monk fell in love with you at first sight. If the object is the benefactor, the poor monk will voluntarily return to secular life."

Li Shi blinked and said to Han Jueming without hesitation, "Okay, then when will you return to secular life?

" , eyes narrowed unconsciously, "If the benefactor has this request, the poor monk can return to secular life now and go to Wushan with the benefactor, and his return to this world will not be in vain."

"Get out!"

Li Shi cursed with a red face . Said: "I really can't tell that you, a bald donkey, look like a dog. I didn't expect that you are still an old pervert."

"I don't blame the poor monk for not being a human being. The donor is really good-looking."

Han Jueming continued to fight with Li Shi. After a while, Li Shi was coaxed into being, and in front of the public, the two of them were just tugging and hugging each other, showing off their affection so much that it could blind people's eyes.

【Ouch! Make happy pig noises! 】

【The big devil is so good at teasing, he turned into a teasing maniac. I was even embarrassed to hear it! 】

【It's so sweet, it's so happy to bump into these CP sisters! ]

[I've been killed by sugar, don't call me...]


Different from the excited live broadcast room, the players in the dungeon, who witnessed this show of affection, had their facial expressions freeze at the same time, and their inner emotions It's also very simple, just a series of ellipses.

Very speechless.

These two drama stars are actually acting together?

Completely ignoring the task and not doing it anymore, it's really amazing!

Lin Hao and Lance, who were mixed in the crowd, looked at Li Shi and Han Jueming not far away, with a flash of disgust in their eyes.

They want to see how Li Shi and Han Jueming still compete to complete the task in this dungeon!

If you are not afraid that they will reveal that Han Jueming is the boss of "Huanyu" company, then just go ahead and do the mission!

Then they will... hehehe!

[MTL, BL] After Turning Into a Cat, I Cheated in The Horror GameWhere stories live. Discover now