Toffee Tulips and a Head Start (Part 1 of 2)

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Marshall's POV

  Well if I want to do something right, then I gotta cheat. I might as well get a head start. I floated around to my couch and grabbed the almost empty bottle of sun lotion. 'Ugh, almost empty but it'll be enough for today' I thought. I soon started to head out and made my way over to the the Candy Kingdom. Hmm, what can I get him.... Wait a minute, I know....

I searched around everywhere, and grabbed every single flower I could find. Which one does he like? I just hope he likes them.Ugh, I'm running late. I need to hurry up get to the pond. I quickly flew around bushes and dodged every tree. I seriously need to hurry. I soon slowed down as I heard the water of the pond being played with, I walked behind a tree and looked. I felt my stomach turned as I saw Bubba. I held a tighter grip on the flowers. I took a deep breath and floated my way over to him. I quickly hid the flowers behind me back as he looked up and smiled at me.

"Marshall! I'm so glad you're here" Gumball said as he ran to hug me, "hmm, whats that?".

I brought the flowers out and held them for him to take.

"Here, I didn't know which one you would like so I just grabbed a whole bunch of random ones" I said as he gently took the flowers from my hands. He smiled once more.

"You're so sweet Marshall" he laughed.

I scoffed, crossing my arms as I turned my head the other way. "Well, don't think too much of it" I said.

"Well I know you're sweet, so it'll just be our little secret" he said as he came towards me. I felt my stomach turn again as I felt him lightly peck my cheek, my body heated up.

"Toffee tulips" I heard him say.

"W-what?" I asked, bringing my arms down and looking at him.

"Toffee Tulips are my favorite flower" he repeated, bringing up one of the flowers and showing it to me. He then handed me the flower back, "here,now you can give me my favorite flower" laughing he stuck out his tongue. I took the flower and looked at it for a bit and then ate it. "

Why did you eat the flower?" Bubba asked me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"You wanna taste it?" I smirked. Gumball soon pushed me away.

"Eww, that's gross!". I then laughed at him......

Ah, those were the good times. Now where are those flowers? I strolled through the forest looking from bush to bush.

 'Well, they don't seem to be here' I thought, moving onto the next bush. Wait.... he should have some in his garden, shouldn't he? I saw the kingdom in view and turned invisible. I then walked past the guards, walking inside, going straight towards the garden. I looked around to see hundreds of different flowers but only one seemed to had caught my eye. It was in a bush by itself. I walked up to it to see it was a Toffee Tulip.

"Of course there would be only one" I mumbled. I quickly pulled it out. I then looked up.

"Well don't I feel lucky" I said as I saw Gumball walk by looking at his flowers. I came up from behind him and made myself visible.

"For you, my lady" I bowed, holding up the one toffee tulip. He gasped as he heard me, he turned around quickly.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"You know what I mean... here" I responded, still holding the tulip. He looked at me and then the flower, slowly reaching his hand out, he finally took it.

"You remembered...." he said in a whisper. I smiled at him , taking a step forward. I grabbed his hand.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.

"U-uuh.. what??" he stuttered as I got closer to him," I do-.. don-". I cut him off.

I cupped his face and brought it closer. Leaning in, I finally felt his lips on mine. At first he was stiff, but suddenly I felt him loosen up. He was actually kissing me back. I smiled into the kiss. I then detached myself from him.

"That will be it for now" I said, kissing his hand, " see you later Bubs" I floated off. I looked back at Gumball, seeing him touching his lips. "Ah, I still got it"

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