The Fall (Part 1 of 5)

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It was finally time. The crack of dawn as both parties came to the location. The two leaders both dressed in armor both made their way on top of the tallest hill to deal with there problems separately from the others. Gumball had his candy sword at his side, his hand kept a firm grip on the handle. As Marshall had a bandage every part of his body that was not covered in armor and could be harmed by the sun. Once they finally reached the top, Gumball stared at Marshall. It was silent.

"So it comes down to this..." Gumball was the first one to speak.

"You really want to do this, huh?" Marshall said.

"I'm ready for this... you... you bat!". Marshall winced at those words as Gumball came after him. Once this had happened, it signaled both groups. They all started running at each other. The war has now begun.

"What the lump Gumball! What did I ever do to you for you to hate me?". Marshall quickly moved out of the way. Not taking out any weapons until he had an answer.

"Be more specific, there were a lot of things you have done to me" the angered Prince spat.

"Like what Bubba!? What's the first thing on your glob dang list?" he yelled, moving out of the way once more as Gumball tried to attack him again.

"Don't you dare try to fool me! You know darn well what you did!" Gumball yelled back.

"What did I do!? And you shouldn't be the one to talk. You done things too! Don't try to play the victim Bubba" Marshall replied.

"You know exactly what you did".

Gumball tried to stand his ground as the sensitive subject was rising up.

"Gumball.... you're crying-" Marshall was quickly cut off.

"Why did you ever have to come into my life?".

"Why do you keep saying all these things? and don't tell me what I did!??" Marshall said angrily, getting more ticked off by the second.

"You didn't think I would ever find out did you". Marshall dodged each blow Gumball gave him, making him back up a step each time.

" remember the place we would always meet up at? You sent me a note to come earlier than usual. So I d-did" he choked a little but continued, "that was the day after our first time making l-lo... -". Gumball couldn't even say it.

"You cheated on me!".

Marshall eyes widened as he froze. At this moment, Gumball was able to take a blow with him off guard. The vampire fell back, gripping onto  his arm. He quickly looked down to see blood dripping down and staining the bandage. The king quickly got up.

"The lump! I never cheated on you" Marshall yelled, still holding onto his arm.

"Don't lie to me! I saw you and your servant" Gumball spoke, as a tear threatened to fall again. The young prince tried to ignore it, knowing that once  one falls, they all do.

"My servant... servant? Wait... Gumball. I wasn't cheating on you! That day.................................."

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