The Preparation (Part 4 of 4)

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"Marshall, you got to snap out of it. Don't think about him, think about the war. Now go and make the announcement to everybody" she said.

I sighed, "Yeah, let's go", I said as we started to head over to the main area.

I stepped onto the cliff of the main area.

"Demons of all kind!" I said aloud, watching as everyone had their eyes fixed me. It went silent, " We have war heading our way-" I focused my attention as I saw a demon raise his hand.

"What?" I snapped.

"Who are we fighting with?" The demon asked

. I saw as Sarah quickly came by my side and zapped the demon.

"Anymore questions?" she called out. It went silent once more, I continued.

"The Candy Kingdom... We must prepare, but it won't be easy. The Candy Kingdom is being helped out by the Fire Kingdom-" I was cut off.

"But, with Marshall leading us, We will defeat them both!" Sarah yelled. Everyone in the nightosphere soon started to cheer.

"If it's war they want, then war they get!" they cheered.

Sarah came up to me and quietly spoke, "We will tear their gummy limbs and put out their fire".

I walked away from her and the cheering crowd and headed back to my cave. Looking back seeing my demons had already started preparing. I closed the portal and flopped down onto the couch and slouched over. I ran a hand through my hair. I then felt another body flop on to the seat right next to me. It was Sarah.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I told you he was trouble" she said.

"This just doesn't make sense.I.... I just don't know why he would do this to me or... or even want to start this war" I sighed.

"Shut up" she said annoyingly," he doesn't like you, never liked you. Nor will he ever do so" Sarah stated. I sucked in a shaky breath, resting my hands in my lap. I leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and tried to accept it. Maybe she was right...

"I guess your right...". I then felt her playfully punched my shoulder, making me open my eyes. I watched as she got up.

"Aren't I always?" she then started to leave. I listened to her last words before the door closed. It was faint but I could just barely make it out.

"I will bring him down if its the last thing I do".

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