Memories and Regrets (Part 4 of 4)

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I slowly started walking over to see what it exactly was. It was a box shaped object, little notes falling out of it... I don't remember this... I bent down to picked up the open box and a note. I started to read the messy writing. What is?....................

Gumball laughed, reading each note he picked up on the new path he was following. He carefully set them inside the picnic basket he had brought along with him. Marshall told him he had something special to show him. Gumball decided to bring some of Marshall's  favorite snacks, so they could eat together where ever they were going to be at. Gumball bent down to pick up the next note, reading the  messy hand writing,

'You're getting closer Bubs, see that big crooked  curved tree? Just keep going towards it and you're there. I'll be waiting ;)'

Gumball continued, putting the last note in the basket and closed it. Now walking over to the crooked curved tree, he passed it.

What he saw was a pond with a small water fall coming from the rocks above it. It was so beautiful.

"Ahem, I'm guessing that's for me?" Gumball startled, dropped the basket and swirled around. Marshall quick with his actions grabbed the basket before it could hit the ground, "dang Bubba, you have to be more careful. Who did you think it was?" he slightly laughed.

"Marshall! You startled me and it could of had been anyone!" Gumball said.

"So, anyone can do this to you?". Before Gumball could respond, Marshall's lips were on his. Gumball soon relaxed and grabbed Marshall's face, keeping him close. Marshall pulled away, "eager here much?".

"Shut up". Blushing, he looked away.

Marshall flew  beside Gumball and comfortably sat on the curved tree," Lets see what we have here..." and began picking out the bag of dark red strawberries. "Sweet!". He quickly popped one to his mouth and started sucking away.

"I'm glad you're enjoying them" Gumball smiled sweetly and walked over the the vampire, climbing up a bit to sit next to him.

"Thanks Bubba" Marshall planted a kiss on Gumballs light pink cheek and continued tasting the red.........................

The day Marshall showed me his special place. He said it was now ours. All this time..... everything he done for me.... it had to mean something right? He had to care... just a little? At some point there must've been one action tat was real....I felt the tears slide down my face. I shook my head.

No Gumball, he doesn't care for you at all. Not one bit... He wants to take over you kingdom. Then take over the Land of Aaa. Remember that! You can't let him harm your people............ I can't let him harm my people or anyone. He's done enough. I looked back down at the paper and basket in my hands. I came towards the balcony and threw them over. If this is War he wants.

Then War it will be!

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