EP 3

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Dunk had been extra busy the following week. Joong noticed how early he left and how late he came home. But no matter how late or how tired Dunk was, he would still spend time with Joong when he was home. Even to the point of falling asleep at the table where Joong's basket was. Joong would shift to his human form and carry him back to bed. Dunk had wondered how he slept walk to his bed sometimes but he didn't get to ponder as he rushed off to work. 

Dunk didn't look right after coming back from work one day. Joong had been watchful over him. When Dunk didn't wake up like he usually does, Joong started to worry. He had changed to his human form and was surprised to feel the heat coming off Dunk when he touched his forehead. He wondered what he can do. He remembered Dunk dialing for P'Mix to fix his wings, maybe he can help fix Dunk? He tried to remember how Dunk switch on his phone. He had seen him do it more than a dozen times. He tried to remember how Dunk dialed for P'Mix. When Phi Mix's voice come through, he didn't know what to do. He quickly turned back to his raven form and croaked. He heard P'Mix switching off the phone. He wondered if he understood. It wasn't long before he heard knocking on the door.

"Dunk? Dunk, are you there? Open the door. It's P'Mix." Joong quickly turned back to his human form to open the door before shifting back to his raven form. P'Mix didn't look surprised when he saw Joong. Joong circled around him before flying to where Dunk was. Mix was surprised at how hot Dunk was. He quickly gotten a basin and a cloth to give Dunk a sponge bath. Joong was quietly observing what P'Mix did so he knew what he needed to do. Mix went on to the kitchen and was glad that Dunk's fridge was stocked. He had quickly made congee, adding in a little cabbage, carrot and some meat because he knew Dunk wouldn't be able to cook for the day. He saw the raven quietly observing what he did but it didn't bother him at all. He shook Dunk awake and made him eat a little before giving him some medication for his fever.

"Six hours, little raven. He would need to take his medication in another six hours." P'Mix pointed to the clock on what time to feed Dunk. Joong had listened carefully as P'Mix explained what and why he did for Dunk so far. 

"I have to rush to work, I'll be back after I'm done. Take good care of Dunk, little raven." P'Mix smiled before he left. He watched as P'Mix left. He turned back to his human form. Joong was grateful for all the information on how to take care of Dunk but he couldn't help but wonder why. It was as if P'Mix knew he would somehow take care of him. 

He went back to Dunk, checking on the cloth on his forehead only to notice that it was warm. He soaked the towel in the basin of cooling water, squeezing it dry before putting it back on Dunk's forehead. He slept beside Dunk, watching him take ragged breathes. All he could do was silently pray that Dunk will heal soon. 

He saw the clock turned to the time that P'Mix mentioned that Dunk needed to take his medicine. He reheated the congee as P'Mix instructed, helping Dunk up to eat. Dunk was in a haze and didn't think anything off it, as he ate and took the medication with some water. Joong had given him another sponge bath, hoping for his temperature to drop. He had fallen asleep along with Dunk.  

When he woke up, he saw P'Mix checking on Dunk. 

"His temperature has dropped but it's still a little high, probably another day or so, little raven. Dunk will be well in no time. You did great." He smiled at the Joong. Joong smiled back before he notice that he was still in his human form. His eyes widen. P'Mix chuckled at his expression.

"Don't worry, little raven. You're not the first animal shifter I've met. I'm a vet after all. As long as you are not harming Dunk, I'm fine with it." Joong assured P'Mix that he wouldn't harm Dunk. P'Mix gave him some berries and nuts to eat before checking on his wings.

"You are all healed up. You can leave whenever you want." 

"I... I don't want to leave Dunk." He said quietly. 

"You like him?" It was pretty obvious since the last round he saw him in his raven form. It was more obvious when he called him to help Dunk with his fever. He saw Joong nodding his head.

"It's not going to be easy. Whether Dunk can accept you or not is a whole different story all together." P'Mix sighed. He wasn't the first animal shifter to fall in love with his human. 

"It doesn't matter if he loves me back. All I ask is to stay by his side." P'Mix patted his shoulder, encouraging him the best he could before leaving. Joong saw P'Mix out before checking on Dunk again. He swept Dunk's hair to the side before giving him a kiss to the crown of his head.

"Hai wai wai na khup. (get well soon)"

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 2 EP as usual. Couldn't help adding a moment where Joong is taking care of Dunk. 🤭🤭 But like I said this is a no action series. this is kinda like a plot building EP, so I'm still not sure whether the pacing is boring😅😅

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