EP 4

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Everything was still hazy when Dunk woke up the next day. His head felt heavy like it was full of cotton. He tried to go to the toilet before he felt hands pushing him back to bed.

"Need to pee." He whined. The person helped him to and back to bed. He had given him a glass of water before he even asked. He sighed from how cooling it felt to his throat.

"Thank you." he said before sleep claimed him once again. Joong smiled.


The next time Dunk woke up was to someone shaking him awake. 

"Time to eat and take your med, Dunk" He helped Dunk to sit up. A part of his fuzzy brain told him that he didn't recognize that voice and that he lives alone but he felt too sick to question what was going on. When he was about to sleep again, he wondered what his fuzzy brain was doing to him. How could he imagine someone with huge black wings in his room? 

"Sleep, Dunk." Dunk didn't question as he fell asleep in an instant.


The next time Dunk woke up, he saw P'Mix who immediately took his temperature. 

"Great, your temp is back to normal! You should be recovering soon. I heard from Ryu that you were on a break so it's kind of lucky that you didn't have to report in." Dunk thanked P'Mix for taking care of him.

"You should thank little raven. He called me and took care of you while I was in the clinic." Dunk looked at Joong in astonishment. 

"Thank you, little raven." Dunk stroke Joong's feather. Joong couldn't help but puff up his chest. Dunk's light laughter and bright smile was music to his ears after the last 2 days. 


Dunk had slept so much for the past 2 days that he couldn't really sleep at night. But his head still felt heavy so he closed his eyes, willing himself to sleep. He was quietly resting and about to fall asleep when he heard some rustling sound. He didn't think too much since there was still little raven with him. But then he felt a pair of arms circling his waist and what felt like a huge wing covering his body. He should be alarmed but the feeling of those wings on him was so warm that it lulled him to sleep instead. He heard a quiet "fun di na khup" before sleep claimed him.  

When Dunk woke up, he was alone in bed. Little raven was quietly sleeping in his basket. 

What a weird dream to have... Dunk thought to himself. 

What if it wasn't a dream? 

Dunk didn't know where this thought came from nor why he entertained it. 

If it wasn't a dream, that could only mean...

He looked at his little raven before shaking his head laughing at how absurd it would be. It was probably his fever talking. He got ready for the day and went on to feed little raven. 


As crazy as that thought was, it didn't leave his mind for days. 

Little raven had always been too intelligent for an animal. It seemed to understand whatever he said most of the time but he had learnt from Mr Google that ravens were naturally intelligent. 

So, where does this leave him? 

Joong looked on as Dunk tossed in bed. He wondered what was bothering Dunk, so he flew over and croaked at him. 

"Little raven, you can fly already?" Dunk cheered. Joong didn't know if Dunk will let him go now that he knows. He was surprised when Dunk stroke his feathers.

"Do you still want to stay with me, little raven? I don't think I will get use to this empty apartment after this past weeks." Joong had happily nodded his head. He was cheering with joy internally.  Dunk couldn't help but smile at how cute little raven was. Whatever doubts and confusing thoughts he had about him was thrown to the back of his mind.

"You want to sleep with me tonight, little raven?" Joong hopped into bed without further prompting. 

"Fun di na (sweet dreams), little raven." Dunk smiled before falling asleep. Joong shifted again once he was sure Dunk was asleep. 

"Fun di na khup" He whispered before kissing him on the lips. He fell asleep with his arms around Dunk, his wings covering the both of them.  

Joong missed the smile on Dunk's lips. 

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

Do comment to let me know your thoughts. 😊😊 


A/N: 🤭🤭 what do you think? 🤣🤣 

mai huang na (don't worry), this series ends tomorrow. It is that short🤭🤭. Just felt like writing a short fluff that doesn't take up too much energy. don't expect too much na😅😅

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