chapter nine

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"You're so fucking poetic, Cole." I cross my arms and roll my eyes at him.

"Camilla." Cole suddenly says, worrying me with his abruptness.

I drop my arms and look up at him, still dazed from our earlier... affection, if that's what you would call it.

"Yes?" I reply back, gazing up at him with uncertainty, he stares back with ardour.

"I'm..." He starts, hesitating for a few seconds, looking to the side then looking back at me and speaking strongly, "I- I'm not even going to lie to you right now, I'm so fucking crazy—tethering the edge of obsession, even— over you; you are a devastatingly beautiful mystery that I can't—for the life of me—get out of my mind; I don't want you to leave my head nor my sight for even a second."

I look at him with incredulity at this confession.

"I want to figure you out... and I want to care for you, I want to know everything about you." Cole says it straight and boldly, he looks me directly in my eyes yet seeming slightly vulnerable as he says this, looking so truly addicted to the sight of me, it makes me sway slightly on my feet.

I begin shaking my head, "N-no, this can't be true, Cole..." I reply, chewing on my nails. I gaze up at him, searching for insincerity, all I find is a genuine regard in those steel eyes.

Nobody has said anything like this before, nobody, not even my parents have even uttered a single 'I love you' to me. Perhaps I'm not truly loveless, but... I cannot believe Cole too quickly...

This is a shock like no other, Cole must have a lapse in judgment, because truly, who would really want me? I have always been the second-choice, the girl who was seen as a burden and a mistake.

Cole sees me and he says he wants to care for me? I doubt it.

But, at the same time I cannot help myself from feeling a warmth grow in my chest, Cole's words really hit the target (if attempting to get into my head was his intention, then he succeeded) and now I... I want him to like me like he says. I want him to desire for me like no other has.

"You're lying to me." I add, looking up at him sadly, my eyes blurry with tears. I feel like I've lived a thousand lives in two days.

"Little raven, I promise you, I'm not lying. I never will lie to you. I just... I need you. You intrigue me—but I want to know you. I want to know every single little thing about you, what you like, dislike, favour... until you are my mind and soul, and I to you." He says softly, eyeing me with real affection, holding my face in his hands.

"Are you asking me to be your lover?" I ask, looking to the side shyly, wiping a stray tear. "...Isn't this too early?"

I may have kissed the guy, but I'm not ready for a fucking relationship... not after Adam.

I shouldn't even be considering this.

He laughs, stroking my cheek gently as if I were a precious artefact, "No, my angel, I'm just asking you if you want to spend more time with me, we can... get to know each other more?" He says, a psychotic-looking grin creeping on his lips that makes butterflies flutter inside my stomach.

"Still..." I mutter hesitantly.

"Little raven," He says, coming closer until I have to strain my head up to look up at his gorgeous features, "I know it is early for us, and you don't have to do this if you don't want to, I just needed to tell you how I feel... and don't you even dare feel like you have to say anything back, because you don't." He smiles softly at me, stroking a loose black strand of hair behind my ear.

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