Chapter 12

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Sebastian's POV

"Are you going to rob me, captain?"

I grin at the little tease she sends back to me and then I notice the other person talking to her, looking at me really pissed off.

"Hi Leander."

"Sebastian." He nods as saying goodbye. "I hope you at least enjoy your night." And he walks away mumbling. Odd.

"Thank you for the rescue." I look back at April, she looks at me with sleepy, happy eyes. "I prefer your company."

"Is that so?" I tease her.

"Of course. I want to be with you." She says that as if it's an obvious thing.

I blush a little at the reply.

We usually mess with each other but that was so... direct. She usually doesn't come across as forward as right now. I clean my throat. "Shall we join Ominis and Poppy? I'm afraid I left them alone."

She shrugs. "If that's what you want to do."

I frown a little. I guess she is being so passive about what she wants to do because of the events of this morning. I bet she is tired and just wants to not think and have fun. I figure that if she doesn't want to make any decision right now it's because she is good with anything.

So, we go with Ominis and Poppy and spend a good part of the party with them. We make up for the time we hadn't had this past weeks to just hang up the four of us and talk. We talk about everything we have missed in our lives, from updates from our families to things that have happened in the classes we don't share. We laugh a lot, clearly we have missed each other, although April doesn't seem too much into the conversation. It's like she is somewhere else, and she only speaks when we ask her something or mention her.

I know Poppy and Ominis have noticed that too because of the look on their faces. At some point, after the fifth question that April has answered with an "hm", Poppy takes her to the floor to dance.

"C'mon, you're in desperate need of fun!" Poppy says as she grabs April's arm and pulls her to the dance floor.

"I don't want to."

"You will." With a mischievous smile, Poppy starts dancing around April and makes her join her.

Ominis and I stay out of the dance floor, contemplating them.

"April seems out of character today, don't you think?" I turn to look at my friend, a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah, I don't know, it's like she's a ghost of herself... Maybe she's drunk?" Although I didn't see her drink too much.

"Maybe... It is true that she can't handle alcohol when she's not in the right mood but she has never been like this."

I sigh in response. I didn't know that but I guess I could have imagined that. She doesn't seem like the type of person to drink her problems away.

Actually, if I recall it correctly, I don't think I have seen her drink more than a couple of times. Back in fifth year we didn't have the time, and this year has been busy too. We just went to The Three Broomsticks for like one or two days, and she didn't drink much. Now that I think of it, I haven't seen her drunk ever, so this is odd.

"Did she drink more last year?"

Ominis tilts his head. "She was drunk just one time, one day she was feeling bad. Never again since that one time."

I hum an affirmative noise.

When I look back at the dance floor, I notice that the girls are already coming back, now with Natty joining us too.

Closure (Sebastian Sallow x MC)Where stories live. Discover now