Chapter 13

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Sebastian's POV

I knock on the door before me in a bit of a rush. April has been hugging my arm and whispering rather obscene things to me all the way here, and it's starting to get under my skin. I don't know how much restraint is left in my body, but not much.

My mind is still outside, thinking about that almost kiss that hasn't happened. I know it was the right thing to do, but with every word that leaves April's mouth, I regret it more.

"Come in" A hushed and low voice comes from the other side of the door.

I open the door leading to Professor Sharp's office. He always tells me he works late here if I need anything related to my extra assignments, but I didn't expect him here. It's well past midnight at this point.

I take a brief look at the dark space. Plenty of books cover the walls, not all of them being about potions, for what I can read in the titles. Only a few candles are lit, just surrounding the desk he is sitting on. He looks up from the paper he's writing after a moment.

"Sebastian." I'm not surprised at him using my first name, since he's been using it since he started mentoring me. Then he looks at the person grapping my arm like her life depends on it. He lifts an eyebrow. "...Misses Berrycloth. What are you doing here?" He looks at me while asking.

"I need some help here, Professor." I signal to April with my head. "I think she is intoxicated."

"I'm not"

His eyebrow goes even higher. "If Misses Berrycloth is drunk the best you could do is take her to her dorm and let her sleep." His tone is unbothered.

"She's not drunk. I think it's something else... Maybe a potion? That's why I'm here." I beg to him in silence.

He takes a moment and then he sighs and leaves his desk. I take April off my arm, gaining myself a pout on her behalf.

"Please, look at me." Professor Sharp's voice is demanding and, after nodding to her, April looks back at him, unsure of what it's happening.

He takes a long moment looking at her eyes, long enough so it's a bit uncomfortable. Then, he takes her wrist and puts his index finger there for a minute.

After that, he takes out his wand and, with a flick of his wrist, April's falls asleep. I catch her before she falls to the ground.

"What the-" I look at Professor Sharp and I shut my mouth. In his eyes lies a warning.

"I have to assume you didn't do this." His tone is severe.

"No, sir."

He considers it for a second. "Fine. Let's see Madam Pomfrey."

He lifts April off my hands and carries her out without hesitating. I follow close behind.

"She can walk by herself, is this really necessary?"

"I'm not seeing her clinging over you all the way to the nursery. I have enough of that in my classes everyday."

And that's my cue to shut up. He always complains about teenagers being horny, but I didn't think it was that deep.

We arrive at the nursery as fast as we can, and Madam Ponfrey comes around immediately.

After a brief talk about the situation with Professor Sharp, she wakes April up.

"Where's Sebastian?" Are the first words she says.

"Oh dear." That's everything Madam Pomfrey says before doing her an exam. We leave the room and wait around the door of the nursery.

Professor Sharp's keeps an eye close to me.

"I'm doing well by trusting you, Sebastian?"

"You have my word, sir. I don't know why she is acting like this."

He sighs, tired. "You better not be lying. This is serious." I ask a silent question with my face. "Madam Pomfrey will say, but if I'm correct, the person who did this is in trouble."

I don't pressure for more answers. Professor Sharp looks pretty tired already and I know that he gets annoyed easily.

So, we wait in silence. I look at every statue, painting and portrait at least three times each, and I wander around for what it seems like an eternity. Finally, the door of the nursery opens again and Madam Pomfrey shows just her head through the opening of the door.

"Are we trusting him?" She asks to Professor Sharp.

He nods and, after just a second of hesitation, she opens the door and lets us in, closing it behind us.

"Well, you were right, Aesop. It's a modified version of Amortentia."

I let that sink for a minute. Then the shock arrives.

"What?" I look at April, and she looks like nothing of this has to do with her, and, at the same time, like she understood that perfectly. Her face and her eyes are telling different stories.

"Yes. It's not the regular one, that's why she's not all lovely dovely. It's more like... She wants other stuff." How uncomfortable can this get? "And apparently, she wants it from you." She looks at me severely.

I raise my hands.

"He didn't do it." Professor Sharp's response calms me a little.

"Maybe April knows who did this?" I suggest.

"Maybe. But Misses Berrycloth won't give a proper answer until the antidote works." Madam Pomfrey sighs. "You should go back to your dorm, tomorrow morning we will find out more." She says to me.

"Don't leave." April speaks for the first time in a while and it almost scares me.

She looks a little desperate, she obviously doesn't want me to go. And I don't want to leave her either. I know she would stay with me if it was the other way around, she wouldn't leave me alone. I bet deep down the real April, the one not intoxicated, is scared. I think she is a little conscious of the situation, at least, she knows something wrong with her.

I look at Professor Sharps with a plea, who looks at Madam Pomfrey, who sighs again.

"I will be glued to the door. If I happen to hear anything-"

"You won't." I raise my hands again. "I swear."

After what feels like a long time she gives up. "Fine. She will fall asleep soon anyway, that's how the antidote works. You know where to find me."

After that, April and I are left alone. I take a chair and I put it next to her bed while she lays down.

"I don't understand anything. Is everything okay?" She looks so innocent I almost pity her.

"Yeah, don't worry. You just need to sleep."

She makes a pout. "But I don't want to sleep. I want to be with you. I want-"

"Yeah, I know what you want." For Merlin's sake, have mercy and take the images out of my head. "But you have to sleep. You'll see it clearly in the morning." I hesitate for a minute, and then I take her hand. "Just do that okay? I'll be here."

She gives an uncertain look, but her eyes are beginning to close after all. That's the potion doing its work.

"Fine... but... don't leave me... alone"

We look at each other while she falls asleep. Her thumb keeps circling the back of my hand until it finally stops, and the grip she has in my hands relaxes. I let out a sigh of relief but I don't take my hand away. I promised I'll be here, and I will be.

Now she looks like herself, for real. Tired, and even sleeping, she looks worried. I stare at her for a long time before resting my head on the arm I have on top of the bed. Even if I'm sick worried about her, I can't do anything right now, so it'll be better if I just sleep.

I just hope that I don't recall everything that has happened between us tonight, because I will have to ask Madam Pomfrey for a potion to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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