1 [glow in the dark stars.]

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TW: swearing/language.

As Alex's and George's roommate, they expected you to do everything, as if you were a maid. Sadly, the apartment you shared was 2 bedroom, Alex in one room, George in the other. Where did you sleep? Excellent question, the sofa. It wasn't comfy, but it's better than the floor.. right?

It was late at night, you were staring at the ceiling, like you did every night, before falling asleep. Alex doesn't like the dark, so he put glow in the dark star stickers on every ceiling in the house, I mean, it did look nice.

As you checked the time, it was 02:17, again, you can't fall asleep, another night of staying up super late, then falling asleep at 6, before waking at 7 for your job, a cafe barista. You had tried to go to the doctors for medicine, but they said that they couldn't help and you just had to try, try?! You don't think you have tried!?

It was normal for you to be a light sleeper, the smallest noise waking you, the sound of a snore, the sound of a cough, anything like that. The green starts on the ceiling started to blur as you closed your eyes, finally, sleep. As you began to drift off, you heard the sound of.. laughter..? You sat up, it was George, you tried to ignore it, but it was getting louder, then he stopped.

Finally, you thought, laying down, you closed your eyes, just for it to start again. You got off the sofa, heading to his door. You knocked lightly. No response, you knocked again.

"YEAH?" you heard from inside the room.

"can you be quiet..? I have work." You mumble. He ignored you. He just continued to laugh, and now, you could hear him talking too. Was he seriously recording this early!?

You knocked louder this time.

"George." You said, louder, he opened the door. He was wearing his mask, that means he has been recording. You softly frowned at him.

"Please be quiet..?" You asked, rubbing your eyes. He stared.

"You and your goddam sleep." He muttered, looking at you. 

"I'm sorry I can't fall asleep." You argue, the eyes bags getting darker and darker as the weeks go past. He stares at you. You stare back.

"fine, I'll keep it down." He looks away, you smile, as he closes his door. You sauntered back to the sofa, where you layed down. The green stars blurring in your vision as you stared back up at the ceiling, your eyes drifting closed.

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