3 [spoilt milk.]

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TW: swearing/language.

You felt like you were going to be sick. You pulled out your phone.



'Wake up'

'This is important.'





'yes why?'


'What why??'


'Y/N ??'



You angrily turned off your phone, wanting to die. Just then, Zoey got a call from George. She smirked at you, putting on her best sad voice, she answered.

"hey baby.. what!! She said what!?" She pretended to fake cry. God. She looks so punchable. She went to the employees only room, still calling George. You rolled your eyes, as you heard a small 'ding!', as someone walked into the Cafe. You looked at the clock 07:25. put on your best smile, your smile widened as you saw that it was a regular

"Good morning Codey!" You smiled.

"Morning Y/n" he muttered, he was a short, slightly large old man, with white hair and a moustache. Everyday he would come in at 07:25, he was mostly sad, his wife passed away a couple of years ago now, you try and make his day better, by giving him a free cookie daily. Your boss doesn't know, nor care.

"The usual?" You ask. He nods.

"Okay! I'll bring it over when it's done." You smiled, he's one of the reasons that you're happy, he may seem old and grumpy, but he's sweet deep down.

As you made his coffee, you grabbed the milk. You poured it into a separate cup, Codey likes things done in a certain way and order. The milk came out... lumpy..? Shit.. it's spoiled milk. You poured the rest down the drain, cleaning the cup. Then you rushed to the fridges in the backroom, but you saw Zoey sat there, giggling on call with George

"We have customers." You hiss. She shrugs.

"Are you sure I should do that?" She sneers to her phone. God.

You grabbed the fresh milk from the fridge, then walked back out, finishing his coffee. You brought it over to Codey, a chocolate cookie on the tray too.

"enjoy!" You smiled, he smiled and nodded back. Gosh. He's so sweet.

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