2 [Zoey.]

24 2 4

TW: swearing/language.

The familiar sound of your alarm woke you up, as you checked the time, you groaned, you have to go to work. You sat up from the sofa, getting up, you folded the blanket, placing it down. Even though you slept on the sofa, you still I tried to be a good guest, keeping the area clean, putting stuff away.

 You stumbled to George's room, that's where you keep your clothes. He insisted what you have to keep your stuff in his room. Weird. At this point, he was used to you walking in anytime. You opened his door, looking in. He was asleep on his bed.

Gosh. You would love to sleep. You sighed, the wardrobe half open, grabbing a beige T shirt, and cargos. Your work was very strict on what you wore, but you still liked to express yourself.

You changed in the bathroom, then did your teeth, Alex's toothbrush is still new, bone dry. He's never brushed his teeth. Ever. You looked up into the mirror, you look exhausted. As you walked out the bathroom, and into the kitchen.

"I won't eat.. there's pastries at work." You mumble. Taking one last look at the apartment, you left for the day, another day at this shitty work.

-15 mins later, Cafe-

15 minutes is what it took you to walk to work, and back. The walk to work was sketchy, you felt scared and vulnerable. As you came into work, the Cafe was empty, with only a couple of customers. As you put on your apron and stood behind the till, your colleague stared.

"What..?" You asked. She chuckled.

"You looks exhausted." She sneers. Gosh. I want to punch her so bad. You think to yourself. You faked a smile. She gave you a disgusted look back.

"Yeah. Well I can't sleep at night.." you mutter. She scoffs. You sigh.

"Maybe you should move out of George's apartment." She giggles. How did she know who I was living with..?

"What-?" You ask.

"And Alex. Seeing as I'll be moving in soon." She smiles. WHAT!? You HATE her. Now she's moving in..!?

"What do you mean?" You ask angrily. You can't move out, that's the only place to call home. She grins.

"Well, George, he's my new boyfriend." She grins more. You felt like beating the shit out of her. You've liked George for a couple of weeks now, but you thought that he wouldn't like you back, after all, you were only 21, love isn't a thing at that age.

"Cat got your tongue?" She giggles again. You stared at her.

"Really? You're his girlfriend?" You asked. She nods.

"Tell me something only his real girlfriend would know." You smirk. She looks away, then back up at you.

"I know what he looks like." She grins. Your heart stops. I don't even know what he looks like. Fuck.

You try and change the subject.

"So.. how long are you working today." Please. Please not my shift length.

"7-12." FUCK. THATS MINE TOO. She grins.

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