4 [stuck.]

20 1 0

TW: swearing/language.

As you were behind the till, you could hear the obnoxious laughing of Zoey from the other room. Oh my days. She needs to shut the fuck up. You can feel your blood begin to boil. You look over to Corey, who was enjoying his coffee, and his cookie. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, slowly exhaling, your eyes fluttered open, you still felt mad. At Zoey, and at George.

You still felt exhausted. You looked in the reflection in the window of the cafe, the sky is dark, rain was starting to fall from the sky. At least I'm not out there.. you thought to yourself. Corey stood up, then he left, you picked up his tray, and he left a little note, 'hope your co-worker isn't a pain :)' and a £2.75 tip! Zoey finally came out the back.

"What's that?" She asks. You quickly shove the money and note into a pocket.

"Nothing- he just left his receipt." You whisper.

"Mmh. Okay." She says, turning around.

-time skip, 3 hours later-

The day had been boring, only a couple of customers. The sun was nowhere to be seen, the streets were gloomy, but hey, it was warm inside the cafe.

You got a message from your boss.

"Hiya, please show this to Zoey too, we're closing the cafe for a couple of days because the weather has been predicted to be horrible, and I feel like we won't get any customers. So if you two can close up shop then that would be amazing."

You reacted to the message with a '👍' and showed Zoey. She smiled, then picked up her bag, heading for the door.

"Are you not going to help me close?" You ask angrily.

"Nah.. you do it." She grins. Then walks out the door, the little bell ringing as the door opened and shut.

You messaged Alex

"boss told us to shut shop, I'll be 25ish, it doesn't take long to lock up, then the walk home too."

"alr stay safe the weather looks mad crazy." He replies. You put down your phone and begin cleaning up, it was quite simple. You were putting the old cookies in the bin, and then you decided to put on some music.

As you were cleaning, you forgot about the back room, that's always a pain to clean, you grabbed your phone and entered the room.

As you were cleaning, something felt.. wrong.. it was too cold in there.. but you shrugged it off. Then, the door swung shut, you rushed to it, FUCK- ITS LOCKED..!?

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