5 [get me out of here.]

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TW: swearing/language.

Fuck- I'm stuck.. you think to yourself. you pull out your phone again and try and call Alex, but you have no signal.

"FUCK SAKE!" You scream, that was the only door in or out of the room. At least the light is still on. You sat on the cold floor. The door is heavy, I can't break it.. or can I..?

You stand up, walking around the room, until you find somewhere with 2 bars for internet. YES! you call Alex, he doesn't pick up.

You call him again, this time he picks up.

"What?" He mumbles.

"I'm .. stuck.. work.." you say, cutting out.


"Pick... up from.... Cafe... pl.. now..." you yell into the phone, thinking he's messing with you.

"Y/N you're cutting out- oh- hey Zoey. Y/n Zoey came in." He says. ZOEY? WHAT!!

"FUCK- ZOEY- I.. COME.. ME.." you scream down the phone. He just ends it.

-Alex's POV-

"Hey Zoey!" I smile, after I end the call.

"Was that y/n?" She asks.

"How'd you know?" I ask, confused. She shrugs.

"She looked like she was in a mood- so get this! I trapped her in the back room, just a simple door blocker!" She grins. My smile drops.

"Anyway, where's George..?she asks, I point to his bedroom door. She smiles and walks off.

She couldn't have done that.. she wouldn't .. oh well.. she's probably messing with me.

-Y/N's POV-

My face turns pale as he ends the call. FUCK! WHAT!?

You storm to the door, barging into it, you drop to the floor. 

"FUCKING HELL." You yell, your shoulder throbbing with intense pain. You have just found of that the door is made from thick metal. That must've hurt.

You clutch onto your shoulder, curling into a small ball on the cold tile floor. You felt like crying. No.. I can get out of here..

You look around the room for something to help you with, bin? No.. chair.. no.. wait- yeah! 

You pick it up being careful of your shoulder, the hold if behind your head, then you throw it at the door with heavy force, it breaks and one of the legs hits you back in your face, you stumble backwards, then fall over. You clutch your nose, something warm trickling down.

You open your hands. Blood. You begin to get nervous. No one's coming back for a couple of days. 

Will I die in here? You think to yourself as the blood drops onto the floor.

"g-get me out of here.."  you whisper softly.

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