6 [Zoey's fault.]

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TW: swearing/language.

-George's POV-

Y/n should been home by now.. what's wrong..

I get up off my bed leaving Zoey there.

"Where are you going..?" She demands.

"Talk to Alex." I say back. She sits up.

"Let me come." She demands.

"No. It's private." I say back.

"Your privacy is now my privacy." She sneers. 

"uh.." I quickly dash out the door, closing it behind me, leaning on it.

"Uh.. George.. are you okay..?" I hear Alex ask from the living room. I shake my head.

"Where's Y/N.. it's been 2 hours since Zoeys been back.." I ask.

"What- I thought- wait.. Zoey said that- she locked her in the back room with a door blocker.. apparently she was in a bad mood.." he exclaims.

Holy fuck. I need to get her.

-Y/Ns POV-

You roll over. The blood has stopped dripping. But it's still over my hands and lower face. You check your phone 12:27.. still early in the day, your phone is 12% fuck..

"I'm going to die in here.." you whimper softly, the room is slowly getting colder, the blood drying on your hands. Everything feels cold, the floor, your skin, the blood.

-George's POV-

I run down the hallway, then down the many flights of stairs, then outside; the rain pouring down on me. I run down the many streets until I find the familiar cafe.

I burst through the door.

"Y/N?!" I yell.

-Y/N's POV-

You heard George yelling your name, you haven't got enough energy to sit up. You heard him struggle with the door, then he opens it.

"Y/N- fuck.." he bursts in, he frantically looks around, then he sees you on the floor.

He falls to his knees, holding your hand, it's freezing.

"Y/M-..!?" He calls out, you only respond with a small grunt. He scoops you into his arms.

"Y/N.. look at me.. look at me.." he whispers, you look up at him, something's wrong.. he's not wearing his mask.

"You're.. not .. wearing your.." you whisper.

"I know. I know.. I just.. needed to get you.. I - I can't believe Zoey did this.." he bows his head.

"Zoey..?" You murmur.

"yes. Zoey. She.. said you were in a mood.. and she put a door blocker.. Y/N.. I.." he stops speaking.

"why didn't you tell me..?" You ask.

"She didn't want me to tell anyone.. only Alex. Not you.. I'm... sorry.." he says quietly.

"this is all her fault.." you whisper.

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