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As I walked into the door of my home I was greeted with a delicious smell. "Hi hun, how was school?" She said while coming at me with a hug. "Good mom, how was your day?" "Good good!" "What's cooking?" I said as I removed my hood from my head and put my keys down. "Oh, I'm making some blueberry muffins for a convention tonight. I'll get home late so order something for dinner tonight." She said while grabbing the spoon full of butter. "Ok, love you mom," I said before heading upstairs to my room.

Finally. In my room at last. I took my shoes and jacket off. I then changed into something more comfortable. I sat on the edge of my bed. Thinking..what should I do? I looked at my window. I moved the curtains and opened my window to feel the breeze and wetness from it raining outside. I leaned onto the window while looking up. I began thinking..how I love the rain. I closed my eyes taking in the peaceful sound of the rain hitting the ground and the light thundering.

Just as I began to really set into my peace of mind I hear a window open. Not just any window. Ares Hidalgos window! My rich neighbor and crush. I slowly looked towards the direction of the sound and see Ares. "The rain..it's calming isn't it?" He yelled. "Uh Yea. Well not when it's too too hard." I replied. He slightly grinned.

"Well that's the best kind of rain, and if you don't like it maybe you should fucking grow up." "I am grown Ares. What makes you think I'm not?" "Because your wifi password is my name..funny isn't it?" "Ares, I told you to stay off my wifi!" "It's my business if you have my name as the password. And to get the password I had to hack your computer. You freak, all the pictures you have of me." After stating his opinion slamming the window shut but leaving the curtains open. NO. I ran to sit at my desk. He's seen everything.. I know how bad it is to stalk someone but it's weird if you actually know that person and they know you're stalking them. FUCK! Just then the rain started getting harder.

I heard someone running outside towards my house outside. "HELLO?!" I looked out my window. "Um yes?" I couldn't really see the face because of the umbrella and hood the boy had on. "I'm Apollo, my older brother Ares said I could use your wifi and for some reason it just stopped working." He yelled in the rain. Wtf Ares. "Oh...um, it kind of goes on and off in the rain sometimes, it should be fine soon though." "Oh, okay. Thanks." He said before running back home.

I went back to my desk after feeling humiliated. I got my headphones and listened to some music. I feel so humiliated. Why? Just why? At least Apollo seems nice. I guess. My mom opened my door. "Bye Iris bug, I'm off. Love you," She said then kissed my forehead. "Love you too, mom."

TEXT FROM GROUPCHAT (Yoshi and Daniela) : Daniela
Heyy!! Who's down for the party at Matt's tn!!?

Shit. I forgot about the party. I looked out my window. Hopefully he'll be there since that's his teammate. THAT MEANS.. I have to looked extra sexy tonight. I quickly found something for the party starting in an hour and waited for my ride, Daniela and Yoshi, to pick me up. I cannot wait for it AH!!

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