Get Out

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"Ughh. She should've just went with Jordan." I lay on my couch watching a love triangle show while eating ice cream. My mom walks in and passes my heading to the door. "Hey hun, off to dinner with some friends, see you. Love you." She says then blows a kiss.

I close my laptop and head up to my room. Nothing that I love more than skincare. I went into my bathroom and rinsed my face before getting the face mask I recently bought. I turned on Lana Del Rey and felt like the girliest girl in the world. I put on my pink face mask and headed to my room.

"OMGOSH!" This boy scaredd me. "Hey," the one and only Ares said. "What the heck. You can't just break into my room." He smirked. "Get out before I call the police Ares." He just sat there and looked at my. I grabbed my phone out of my jacket pocket. "Get" He got up and stepped not backwards to my window, but forwards to me. He walked right up at me and whispered looking down at me, "I'm not going anywhere," then held my wrist with the phone up. He kept looking down a me. He then grabbed my phone and threw it on the bed.

I looked up at him. "You're singing is beautiful for a freak," he said. "Thanks? I think?" I replied. He smirked. "Apollo didn't wanna join so it's just us for tonight. He slowly moved his hands down to my waist. "Should I start with a face mask as well?" Was the last thing he said before heading to my bathroom.

"Iris." "Yes?" "Can you put my face mask on for me?" I laughed, "Yeah." I reached for my face mask and started putting it on his face. Once I finally finished he turned around and look in the mirror. He laughed. "I look good," he said laughing. "Suree." "Girl, you know it's true," he said and rolled his eyes.
Ok Ares..Ok.

"Um, so how aboutt we watch a movie?" I asked "Ok." We both headed to my room. I reached for my remote and we both sat on my bed. I turned on the movie and we sat and watched it. 15 minutes timer went off.

"Come on, it's time to take our face mask off Ares." "Noo, the movie is getting good." "Come onnn." He huffed and got up and followed me to the bathroom. I began rinsing my face off and then he did. When we finished I threw water at him. "Oh really?!" He said in shock. Then we both began throwing water at each other. In the midst of the fun, he held both my wrist up by my face. He was looking into me eyes.

And I..was looking into his. His face slowly starting reaching mine as mine did to his. We kissed. We then looked into each others eyes. He kissed me again, and I went in. We were both passionately feeling each other lips. I longed for this feeling. We began making out. He began kissing me on my neck. A soft moan came out of me. He took his lips off me and looked at me. Did I ruin it? No!

He picked me up and placed me on the counter. His hands feeling all over my body as we kissed. He then got on his knees, moved my shorts out his way and began eating. My moans grew louder and louder. "Ares...uh," was all I could manage to say. He pleasured good. When he was done he put my shorts back how they were and looked up at me. He got back on his feet and looked at me. "The movie?" he said.

That's what he's gone do to me then say movie? I want to be mad but it felt so good. He headed into my room and laid on my bed. I followed. I got in my bed but distanced myself from him. He looked at me before scooting closer towards me. He lay his head and arm on me. "Thank you Iris. I like being from home sometime." I just hummed in response.

THE Ares Hidalgo is cuddling with me. I cannot believe this. I was too tired to keep living the moment and fell asleep. "Goodnight," I said, then fell sound asleep.

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