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I blinked twice before awakening myself. I looked around to see Apollo asleep in my chair and Ares hugging my asleep from behind. My POUNDING. I'm so hungover, gosh. I got out of bed and walked downstairs to my fridge.

When I opened my fridge I searched for medicine for my head. I took some and headed back up the stairs to my room. Opening the door to see Apollo and Ares still asleep. "Gosh..well just make yourself right at home," I rolled my eyes.

I began to head to my bathroom that's connected to be my room. I began brush in my teeth when and suddenly hear some moving on my bed. "Irissss, come back to bed!" yelled Ares. "Get out of my bed," I replied back. I heard a huff and some more movement.

Suddenly Ares walked through me my bathroom door. When he approached me he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Are you happy?" he said. I finished brushing my teeth and said, "Yes, thank you," then kissed his cheek and walked back into my room.

He quickly followed. I looked over and saw Apollo waking up. "Ares..what are you doing here?" he asked. "I'm here to get you, obviously. Let's go."


"Hey bitchess." "Hey Daniela." "Dude, Iris, where were you after the party? You know we always ride home together." "Sorry, I just wanted to leave early." "Ares was looking for youu. Matt told him you had left though." "Girl!! Ares slept over my house last night, and his, Apollo." "Ooh, what happened??" Before I could answer Daniela's question Yoshi interrupted, "Guys come on, let's get on that ferris wheel."

While in line Daniela started flirting with a boy behind us. "You do realize you're gonna have to marry one person?" Yoshi questioned her. "Yes, but first I have to find that one. Now come on guys, let's take some pics."

After getting off the ferris wheel we walked to a ice cream stand. "This strawberry is to die forr!" "DanDan, this vanilla is really to die for." We both laughed and all talked for a couple of minutes. "Omgosh guys, don't look. It's Ares," They both immediately looked after I said don't look. I just shook my head.

"Girl he's heading this way," Daniela said excitedly. Yoshi scooted closer and wrapped his arm around me. "Hey," was all Ares said when finally reaching me. "Hey.." I replied, "Oh, this is Daniela," I said and pointed, "And this is Yoshi," I pointed. "Best friend and future husband," Yoshi added. Ares smirked, "Sure."

"My brother said he had fun last night and would love to do it again." "Really?" I sarcastically said. I knew we did nothing. Ares was just trying to make me get the point he wanted to sleep with me again. "Yeah." he assured me. "Well when you see Apollo, tell him he can sleep over my house as much as he wants." Ares eyebrows went straight and his eyes looked far more serious. "I don't think he'll want to attend a strangers house alone. See you tonight Iris," was the last thing he said before turning around and walking off.

"Omgosh, that was flirting on the highest level," Daniela had to say. "Mm, I don't think so. He doesn't really like me-" Daniel cut me off, "Bitch you better be joking. He's basically trying to fuck. Aww, my baby isn't gonna be a virgin anymoree. FINALLY! We have to throw a party. Girl we have to go get you a lingerie." "Ew stop Dan." "Whatever, but you know it's true." "Um guys, let's head home," Yoshi said sounding upset.

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