Party Hard

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I heard the horn outside and knew my ride was here. I headed out the house and locked the door. As I walked to the car Yoshi was hanging out the window yelling, "Ooohhhh all eyes on Iris." I laughed and walked to the door of the back seat. "Hey girll!" said Daniela, "You look hot as everr." "Thankss." Yoshi backed out the drive and started heading to the party.

"Guys, fucking Walker is gonna be there. How do I look?" Daniela posed. We all laughed. "Seriously Iris are you gonna find someone tonight, you're gonna die a virgin." "Daniela, I'm not gonna die a virgin. And plus, Ares Hidalgo is gonna be there." "Ares?" questioned Daniela, "Isn't he like known for being a player? Don't get your feelings hurt babes." "Trust DanBam, I'm nott." I assured her. "Yea, and besides she has me," said Yoshi. He turned up the radio and we all started singing.

We arrived at the party. "Holy shit, Matt's house is nicee," Daniela said in awe. We walked into the house to see it full. Lights flashing, drinks all over the place, people hooking up. "Gonna get some drinks, see you guys later." "Bye DanDan". Me and Yoshi continued walking through the house. We found a couch to sit on. "So, Ares?" He asked. "Oh, yea. He's my neighbor." I blushed. "Great.." he replied.

We were looking at everyone and I finally saw him, Ares Hidalgo. He looks so good in that button up. I looked back at Yoshi, "Hey uh I'm gonna walk around. See you." I got up and headed towards Ares way. Luckily he was by the drinks so I pretended to get one. "Freak."
I heard from behind me. I turned around, knowing who it was. "I'm not a freak." "Stop stalking me and maybe I won't call you one, Freak." I rolled my eyes. I started to walk off but quickly my arm was grabbed.

I turned around, "What?" "Where you going, Freak?" "Away from you Ares." He looked at me in my eyes, I looked into his. I began leaning in for a kiss...until...Ares laughed. "Are you really trying to kiss me? Like I'd kiss you!" He let go and I ran off. I ended up outside where people were either in the pool or drinking. I went and got a drink. And another one.. and another one.. and another one.

I don't feel so good. I began struggling to walk to a nearby chair. I looked up and saw Ares kissing another girl on a balcony. UGH. That should be me. I grabbed my phone and began heading towards the door. Struggling of course. "Hey Iris, thanks for coming to my party." said Matt. "Yea.." I managed to get out. I was out on the street, lucking my house wasn't too far. Let me get a uber. Fuck! My phones dead. I began walking home in the middle of the night.

While trying to get across the street a car came down the street quickly. I tried to back away as fast as I could. Ugh, my head hurts. I walked to my door. My key, where's my key? I tried looking for it in my purse. Where the hell is it. " you need some help?" I turned around. Oh it's Apollo. "No no, I'm fine." I assured him. "Let me help, you look like you need it." He grabbed my purse and grabbed my key. He opened the door and let me in. "Thanks." "Yea, no problem. For the wifi." he said, making me laugh. We headed up to my room. "Woah, your room looks really chill." "Thanks." He sat at my comfort chair and turned on my tv.

I laid on my bed and when I looked back at Apollo he was dead sleep. At least he doesn't snore. I continued watching the tv as it played softly. "Why is my brother in your room?" "OMGOSH!!" I said jumping up, "Why are you in here?" "I asked you a question first," he demanded while stepping closer. "Um, he helped me in-" "You're drunk" he said cutting me off. He went to my closet and found some shorts and a shirt. "Here," he threw at me. He admired me and as I changed.

I laid in bed and soon came Ares. I got comfortable and Ares came laying behind me. He kissed the back to the side of my neck. This felt so good. Ares, I know you long for me. He got comfortable and began running his fingers over my back. I couldn't believe the night I was having. I didn't want it to end..but I was too tired and drunk. So before I knew it, I was quickly asleep..

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