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I turned back at Xander. "Uhm, if you'll excuse me for a second," and then headed down the stairs to find Ares. Was Ares looking so mad because..I was with Xander. No. I'm being delusional again. Whatever, but out of all people how did Ares just have to be in a friend group with Xander.

Making it onto the bottom floor Inlooked around for Ares. There he was, by the drinks. He looks so sexyy. I made my way towards him. "Hi Ares," I started. He turned around and looked at me. "Are you fucking kidding, Iris? Fucking Xander?" He angrily yelled. "Ares, you fucking ditched me. You think I'm ok with you just playing with me?" If you don't want me..let me go." I yelled back. Ares was silent. He just stared at me.

Ughh, did I go too far? Now I'm sure he really won't want me. "Goodbye Are-" I began saying as I was turning around but felt my arm grabbed to turn my around. Ares looked at me once more for a second and then kissed me.

I wanted this. I wanted him. Not Xander. I don't know if he knows that though. He pulled away. "So you're still desperate, Freak," he said and laughed. Of course..he was just playing with me again. "I'm sick of you Ares, maybe Xander is the boy I really do need after all." His smiled went away and his jaw clenched. "You don't even want him Iris."

Well. He's kind of right there. Ares smirked knowing he was right without me denying him. "Well I won't be wanting you anymore either-" "What?" He said quickly. "Look Iris. I know your going to get your feelings hurt dating me." "How do you know Ares if you've never tried dating me?" "Because I just do Iris."

I looked at him with disgust and confusion while backing away. "Goodbye Ares. If you'll excuse me I'm going back to who I came for. Xander." "Whatever, freak."  was all he said. I headed up the stairs to find Xander. Once I found him, we began enjoying the rest of the party together.


"Yeah right up here." Xander's car pulled up to my house. "Thanks.." I said. At the party I had one drink to another and ended up pretty drunk. So Xander offered to take me home. "Oh my, we have such good sweets I made. You should come try somee." Me and Xander got out the car. Once we made our way in I got some cookies and brownies out a container. "These are to die forr." I said while eating them. I headed upstairs to my room and Xander followed.

"Oh mi casa es su casa." I said and laughed. "Thanks for inviting me in." "Yeah." I said and began taking off my shoes and dress. I grabbed some clothes to sleep then turned around. "I forgot you were heree. Sorryyy." "It's're, beautiful." He said getting closer to me. He kissed me. I kissed back. I dropped my clothes wrapping my arm around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

We were making out for a little bit before he decided to head me towards the bed. We were still kissing and the he began taking his shirt off. After that came his belt..then his pants. I could feel him down there on me in our kisses. We were practically eating each other alive in our kisses. Tongue's all in each others mouth. As he began removing his underwear we heard a sound.

"XANDER GET THE FUCK OFF HER." Yelled by a voice. I couldn't put a name on it but it was so familiar. Funny, huh? Me and Xander looked at my window to see Ares. "Akwarddd.." I said. I laughed at my comment. "Ohh hi Aress." I said pretty slurred. "AND SHE'S FUCKING DRUNK? YOU'RE TRYING TO FUCK A DRUNK GIRL! WHAT THE FUCK IS WROND WITH YOU!" Ares yelled at Xander. Xander was quickly trying to put all his clothes on. "I'm sorry I'm sorry," Xander said.

"Xander get the fuck out and never bring your ass back here again, you piece of shit." Ares said finally lowering his tone. Xander quickly rushed out the room to his car and leaving so fast. "You bitch!" I said to Ares as he looked down at me on the bed with Xander gone. "I invited him up here for a reason." "Iris you're drunk you don't know what the fuck you're doing." I could tell he was still angry. "Fuck you. Maybe he would've actually stayed until I was up and well."

"No he wouldn't." Ares stated. "Iris you belong to me. Not Xander, not your "future husband", not anyone else." He said getting down to his knees on the floor to reach the height of me sitting on my bed. I hummed. "Go to sleep Iris." He said and got up. "Wait..can you stay Ares?" I asked. He looked at me for a minute and headed towards the bed. He laid down, I laid my head on his chest and arm around him. I felt him put his hand in my hair and soon enough. I was quickly asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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