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I woke up to light shining in my eye. Opening them I saw Ares..at my window. "Well Good morning?" I said. He just looked at me. "..Yeah, bye," then he turned back around. "What?" I said suddenly growing with anger. "You're just gonna leave me like that, we just slept together!" "Yeah, I could give a shit if we slept together." He began opening my window. "The fuck is your problem Ares? Fuck you."

"Whatever freak," he said and left. Are you fucking kidding me? What the actual fuck! I knew the Hidalgo's were assholes to girls but I thought Ares could change. I thought we actually were having something. I was so angry I was just overthinking how I let him play with me. He's such a Hidalgo at heart.


I went shopping to distract my mind. I love shopping. Especially in stores where I can see rich inspiring women. It makes me look forward to aging older. As I walked into a store I began thinking what cute stuff I could find today.

"Hey, um can I help you find anything?" Said a worker with a smile on his face looking down at me. What the fuck! He's so fine. "Oh, I'm kind of just looking for whatever." "Ok, well I could show you a section where I feel you could find something." "Oh, sure. Thanks." "Of course, follow me."

He led me to a section full of expensive dresses and heels. "Wow." "Yeah, most female costumers have been buying out of this section so I was hoping I could help...and.... I think your kinda cute," He said blushing. I smiled looking up at him. "I think you're kinda cute too." "Thanks," he replied, "Well tonight my friends having a party. Would you wanna come?" One of these dresses could be perfect for tonight." "Sure. I'd love to." "Cool, um could I give you my number?"

"Sure," I gave him my phone and he placed his number in. "See you tonight," he said and walked away. I began looking at the dresses. He's hot asf! I've GOT to find a perfect dress!

I found three dresses and went to check out. He told me my total and gave me my dresses. "Oh and by the way, I'm Xander." "I'm Iris." "Woah, cool name." "Thanks, well I'm off. See you tonight Xander." I smile and left.


"You're like so hot right now, no way Xander won't fall in love with you tonight," said Daniela through the phone. I just laughed. I was driving to the house the party was at, while of course on the phone for some support. "Iriss..you better not be thinking of that boy when you literally have one basically." "Daniela!" "He left! Literally before you woke up. He was ditching you." I knew she was right so I just rolled my eyes. "Ok I'm here, bye love you." "Aww bye Iris, love you, tell me how your make out sesh with Xander will have gone." Goodness. I hung up and got out.

Walking into the house I was kind of nervous. Lots of people.. rich looking people my age. There will probably be some expensive wine instead of canned alcohol. I kept walking into the house glad I was dressed the part. I went outside where even more people were. "Iris..hey," said Xander walking up from behind me. I turned around. "Xander! Hey," I said. "Wow, you look beautiful," Xander said looking at me. "Thanks." I blushed.

"Well me and my friends are inside at the lounge area, come join us." "Sure," I said. We walked into the house and up some stairs. "Hey guys, this is my gorgeous friend here, Iris." I smiled and waved at everyone. While looking at everyone I saw one familiar face in particular. Ares..

Xander put his arm around my waist and one in front of me to guide me where I should go chill. I looked away from Ares and smiled up Xander. Ares was still staring at us while everyone else continued their conversations.

"So, how are you feeling tonight?" started Xander once we had found our spot. "Good," I laughed. "Thanks for inviting me." "Of course, anytime." Me and Xander looked in each other's eyes. When we heard a little commotion. I looked away from Xander to see Ares rushing angrily down the stairs.

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