The ride home was taking forever it's three o'clock and traffic was setting in. At this rate we'll never get home.
I turn my head to peek at Roman. But he's looking away.Lately he's been so tense. I know it's not because of piano classes or ballet rehearsals he loves playing.
Maybe it's a little personal. We've grown quite close as of late.
I've been spending more time with him than Mars. But it's been nice.
We try to cheer each other up more than usual.
I have a crush on him big time. I mean can you blame me, he's so nice and sweet. I'm glad we're getting to know each other more.I feel my eyelids drop. I pinch myself to stay awake. But the hours catch up to me and my head starts swaying.
I was about to cuddle the door but Roman leans over offering his shoulder instead. Looping our arms I fall into him letting sleep swallow me.
I can't wait until we get home. It's my turn to cook dinner. It's supposed to be all three of us taking shifts.
But me and Z have gotten used to taking shifts together.
My apartment flooded last week. Luckily Z has another spare room.
She made her three bedrooms into a her room of course and the dance room and surprisingly a game room with all sorts of art, board games and lava lamps.
She calls it her "Smoke Spot because it's unique." I can't help but laugh.
She's always confident in her creations and if you make any negative comments she'll kick you outside literally.
I was out there for thirty minutes.
But moving in has been awesome. I get to have fun all the time. It's better than being stuck in a small studio all alone.
Plus my neighbors up top have three kids and they're always running around it's torture.
Mars is barely even there half the time.We saw her this morning and she didn't talk much. She ate her breakfast and told us she wasn't going out with us.
After that she left. We didn't ask questions and she wouldn't answer them anyway.
She's supposed to meet us at the house right now but I don't think she's here.
1:37 pm
Fifty-two minutes after class."Alrighty here you are."
"Thanks sir." I kindly hand him the change and reach to shake Zuris Leg.
I whisper. "Hey, wake up bee."
"We're not there yet." She groans, adjusting her head.
"Actually we're right outside." I rebutted.
I let her go and opened the door.
"ROMAN!" She snarls.
I walked around the car and opened her side offering my hand. She takes it and steps out. Mumbling insults.
Bending down I offer a piggyback and she hops on. I adjust her and head for the building.
She squeaks. "Roman, I'm slipping."
"Hold on sleepyhead."
She laughs and wraps arms around my neck."Don't drop me." She Whispered.
"Never." I Whispered.
Things seem cooler. But what about what happens next. Think they're ready??
Any Thoughts?
Thanks for all the supports. Don't forget to comment your favorite moments. Share EXHALE with your friends. Let's get back to it guys :)

RomansaShe survived a heavy past and is finally getting everything she wants in life, but something's missing she feels alone all the time and wants to find what's waiting for her...Luckily he found her first. He's endured so much pain and loss...that he...