This morning I was woken up by my phone at 4AM. So I got outta bed and put some mascara and lip balm on because we gotta be looking cute for em airport crushes okay.... Anyway, after I got ready I put my hair into a very simple ponytail and put on a Nike top with some bite short since it's warm outside. And it's a 14 hour flight so yeah. And I get warm very fast.
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This is beautiful fit
I went downstairs my parents were already loading the back of our car so I filled up my water bottle and also got some snack from the pantry that I shoved into my tote bag got my iPad and my phone and my headphones I texted My friend Really quick before putting off every light in our house and closed the house door behind me. I walked up to the car and got into the back seat, my mom spoke up: "are you you excited that we're leaving for Italy?" I answered with a simple yes before being glued back to my phone answering the 3000 tik tok my friends sent me 👹👹
After about a 20 minute drive me arrived the Atlanta Airport I got out the car and my dad took out my suit case and I put my tote bag on top of it, my parents locked the car and we headed of to find our check in. after only 5 minutes we found it we wer flung business class for the first time YAYAYA. We checked in but as we checked in I saw this cute boy HE WAS LOOKING MAD FINE LIKE.. Anyway he didn't notice me so dreams are gonna stay dreams but yall maybe I got a chance. So we got to security and got our stuff checked and we went to a nearby cafe so get some coffee and drinks before the flight because it was like 5 in the morning I got a green tea with sugar and milk my parents both a espresso we sat down and chatted a bit while drinking our drinks.. and again I saw that cute boy I saw the check in seems like he's sitting and talking to his family to. So after about 15 minutes we got to our gate it was gate 4 so we had to wait like another 45 minutes so I sat in the buss its class lounge waiting and drinking my drink, scrolling through my phone and again I saw the cute boy it's like he's stalking me or something it's kinda weird but I brushed it off. After those 45 minutes we finally got to board the plane first we got into a private bus wich was fancy as fuckkkkkk.they drove us to our plane we got in and my parents booked two seats next to each other and the other one next to them. My parents got the two seats next to each other and I got the seat wich was left.
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(How it looks like each of those rectangles have two seats)
So I got cozy in my seat and little did I know I was gonna sit next to THE CUTE BOY. he sat right next to me and I mean I have nothing to complain about like... he hella fine.... So I was just putting on my headphones and listening to my music when he looked at me and smiled YSYEYSYHDIEJSKSOJDNSJWJ. MY HEART STARTED POUNDING WHAT HE SAID HI TO ME? UHM BYE- WHAT?
I started freaking out inside of myself but I just smiled back he had the cutest smile. I looked back at my phone and pulling out a bag of chips of my tote bag I opened it and kinda like pointed at him so he could take one, he smiled at the offer and took some chips I took them back to me and ate them. After about 10 minutes the captain spoke and said we're gonna take off u put on my seatbelt and just ate my chips while sometimes offering it to the cute boy. Well let's see how the flight is gonna go!!