I woke up pretty early today, my parents were still sleeping so i decided to head over to the Walton siblings hotel room since they had there own one BECAUSE THEIR LIKE 4 PEOPLE?😛. I head outside and closed the door quietly behind me I put my hair up in a messy I bun and had just my phone with me I walked up the stairs and knocked at the door. Daelo opened the door and asked "Good morning Y/n! What are u doing here?" "My parents are still sleeping and it's boring so I wanted to come over can I come in?" Daelo let me enter Jayla was on her phone while Jaden and Javon were arguing about some shit I plopped down on jaylas and dales bed and layed down to next to her. "Hi girly u alright?" I just nodded tiredly. Javon smiled at me and I smiled back. I was one my phone scrolling in instagram. Javon next to me and Jayla on the other side. I was showing Javon a picture of my childhood photos "you looked so adorable as a baby." He said, wich made me a blush slightly. After about 1 hour my parents called me and told me I should get ready for the Beach. "Guys I gotta head back to my room my parents want me to change for the beach." They all said okay and I went back to my room. I changed into a bikini
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I changed into it and packed my tote bag with water,some snacks, a book, and my phone. My parents weren't ready yet and told me to go reserve some deck chair. So I went and did exactly that. I was waiting at the beach for my parents until the Walton's showed up Jayla ran up to me and hugged me, she sat down besides me. After a few minutes Javon, Jaden, and Daelo showed up. Javon also sat besides me and hugged me. His strong arms wrapped around my upper torso. I let go after a few seconds. He really was cute, anyway we all got our own deck chairs and layed down for a while before getting in the water. So me and Jayla ran on the hot sand and jumped into the water as fast as we could. Javon attacked me from behind and basically lifted me up. I was surprised he would do that but I brushed it off. I started splashing Jaden with water wich made him splash back. We were all laughing and splashing each other with water while Daelo was diving in the near of us. After about 15 minutes we got out the water. Our parents were already at the beach talking AGAIN. I sat down besides my mom and took a sip from her coffee "honey u and Javon would look so cute as a couple yall are like made for each other" she said while I took another sip from her coffee. I nearly chocked and Javon just chuckled Jessica also told me "you know Javon doesn't have a girlfriend right now it might your only chance" I just rolled my eyes jokingly going back to my deck chair where Javon sat on. I layed down while he sat on the edge. He smiled at me and I had to blush so I tried to hide it. "Why u blushing y/n?" That sentence made me blush even more. A few hours had past our parents brought us some drinks and headed off to the sauna together while I was stuck with Javon now laying next to me it was kinda small on the deck chair but I didn't really care. I don't even know why he's sitting on MY deck chair. He was napping while I was listening to music in my AirPods. "Y/n wake Javon up we have to head back to the rooms soon" "okay" I woke Javon up lightly "hey Wanna wake up we gotta go back come on." He grumbled some shit I couldn't understand and sat up. We packed our stuff and walked to the hotel rooms. I said bye to the others and got to my hotel room. First I took a shower and picked out and outfit
This is the fit:
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I changed and already waited at the restaurant since my parents were still at the hotel getting ready I was sitting on the table my parents showed up and the parents of the Walton siblings. a few minutes later the Walton's also showed up Jayla and Javon sat next to me. Javon ordered a pasta with tomato sauce and I ordered some pizza. I saw a girl across the restaurant staring at Javon. SHE BETTER HIDE BC BABY I AINT PLAYING WITH THAT HOE 👹. I turned over to Javon and whispered into his ear "there's a girl admiring you across the room." He looked at me and then at the girl who was admiring her. I glared at her while Javon was looking at me "why you telling me that? Are you jealous or something." "No never why would I?" I asked trying to sound convincing. "I don't believe you" he said smiling teasingly at me I just rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder lightly. Luckily the food came after a while and that girl stopped staring. But it seems like this girl was new here at the resort. Let's just hope she's not gonna start talking to Wanna.