Hotel 🐚

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*Javon POV*

So we were sitting in our shuttle that drove us to the hotel. It was like a huge bus with about 15 people in it I sat next to Y/n we actually exchanged numbers and insta she's super nice. So we drove and we talked AGAIN. so after about 20 minutes of driving we arrived at our resort it was HUGE like BIG. Y/n went back to her parents they checked into the Hotel rooms and so did we. Y/ns parents and mine also started talking to each other seems like they understand each us pretty good. Y/n was talking to Jayla on the way to the hotel rooms. Sadly our rooms were pretty far from each other but we're not gonna be in our room all the time so anyway.

*Y/n POV*

So we checked into the Hotel or resort whatever you call it. So we checked in and it was very nice, very modern and pretty our rooms were modern aswell I had a king sized bed for myself and my parents shared one. After unpacking my stuff my Mom told me: "Y/n were going to the Pool with the Walton's is that okay?" I answered:" Of course I'll be out in 10!" I quickly changed into one of my Bathing suits it was very simple but pretty black one

 After unpacking my stuff my Mom told me: "Y/n were going to the Pool with the Walton's is that okay?" I answered:" Of course I'll be out in 10!" I quickly changed into one of my Bathing suits it was very simple but pretty black one

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(If u don't like it u can obviously change it)
*Y/n Pov*

So I changed got my Sandals on and got my tote bag put some sunscreen,my phone, and that was it. My parents were already at the pool so I got out locked the hotel room door and walked towards the pool. Jayla was the first one to approach and she said "GIRL U LOOK STUNNING UR BREATH TAKING" I laughed and just smiled Javon also came up to us and smiled at me but didn't say anything. His brown eyes looked beautiful in the sun. My parents and The Walton parents were talking and sitting the bar drinking some cocktails or something while Me,Jaden,Javon,Jayla, and Daelo were in the pool playing around. Daelo was diving and shit Javon constantly splashed me with water Jaden and Jay,a were fighting and shit so it was pretty chaotic but also nice at the same time. After about 15 minutes we got out the pool and got to our deck chairs and relaxed me and Jayla were talking and Javon was sitting on my deck shake at the end playing on his phone. He looked mad fine tho with his wet messy hair and those brown eyes I could drown in them like fr now. I fell asleep for and hour or so. I was woken up by Javons soft voice and he shaking me lightly telling me to get up because we were going to eat I wanted to kill him but he looked to good. I got up packed my stuff and walked with Javon to our hotel rooms.
Back at the hotel room I went to get a shower, my parents were already there so good for me. I washed my hair and blow dried it with the Dyson air wrap YES I DRAGGED THAT PIECE IF SHIT WITH TO OUR HOLIDAYS. I gotta look good in that restaurant okay🤚🏻😔

Anyway this is the hairstyle I was going for:

(If u don't like it u can change it any time x)

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(If u don't like it u can change it any time x)

I did my hair and choose an outfit

The fi

I wanted to look kinda boogie so I choose this dress

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I wanted to look kinda boogie so I choose this dress. I did my make up and while I was doing it my moms spoke: "do you think the son of the Walton's is cute? Like the one u always hang out with. You guys look cute together" I just kinda side eyed my mom and she laughed like he is cute but what if he has a girlfriend. Anyways after I finished my make up we were ready to go so we left the hotel room the Walton's were already at the restaurant so we got there to. The Walton's were waiting on a huge table. We sat down next to the them. I was sitting next to Javon and Jayla. We all got the menu card and I wanted to eat some Alfredo pasta Javon took pizza and Jayla also took some pasta. We talked while we were waiting for the food and I told them the story how my parents met. Eventually the food came we all ate quietly Javon asked if he could try some of my pasta and I said yes I kinda fed him a fork of my pasta and we laughed so hard. I also got a bite from Javons pizza it was surprisingly good. After we were done eating I got a green tea for dessert I LOVE GREEN TEA with milk and sugar. After I drank my cold green tea we all went back to our Hotel rooms and went to sleep


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