- A Father's Blessing PT. 2 -

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Excitement and joy filled Draco's heart as he sat down at his desk, a quill poised over parchment, ready to write a letter that would change everything. His hands trembled slightly with anticipation as he began to put his feelings into words.

My dearest Father,

I hope this letter finds you well. I have news that I am eager to share with you, news that fills me with happiness and hope for the future.

Harry and Ron have asked me to marry them, Father. It is a proposal filled with love and devotion, and I could not be more thrilled to accept. They have shown me what it means to be loved unconditionally, and I am grateful every day for their presence in my life.

I know our relationship has had its challenges, Father, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to support me in this decision. Harry and Ron mean everything to me, and I cannot imagine my life without them.

I hope to hear from you soon, Father, and I hope that we can move forward together, embracing the love and happiness that awaits us.

With love and hope,


As Draco sealed the letter and sent it off with a house elf, his heart fluttered with a mix of anticipation and nerves. He longed for his father's acceptance, for his blessing in this new chapter of his life.

Days passed, and Draco anxiously awaited a response. Every owl that arrived made his heart race with hope, only to be disappointed when it wasn't from his father.

Then, one morning, a majestic owl swooped into Draco's quarters, carrying a letter with the Malfoy seal. Draco's heart skipped a beat as he opened the letter, his eyes scanning the elegant script.

My dearest Draco,

I received your letter, and I must admit, I was taken aback at first. However, after much reflection, I realize that your happiness is what matters most.

If Harry and Ron bring you joy and love, then I cannot stand in the way of that. I may not fully understand your choices, but I respect them, and I respect you, my son.

You have grown into a remarkable young man, Draco, one who follows his heart and stands by those he loves. I may not have always been the father you needed, but know that I am proud of the person you have become.

I give you my blessing, Draco. May your union with Harry and Ron be filled with love, happiness, and prosperity. You deserve nothing less.

With love and acceptance,


Tears of joy welled in Draco's eyes as he read his father's words. It was a moment of healing, of reconciliation, and of newfound hope for the future. With his father's blessing, Draco felt a weight lift off his shoulders, replaced by a sense of peace and gratitude.

He penned a quick reply, expressing his gratitude and love for his father, before sending the owl off with his heartfelt response.

As Draco watched the owl disappear into the sky, carrying his letter to his father, he felt a renewed sense of optimism and excitement for the future. With Harry and Ron by his side and his father's acceptance, Draco knew that the journey ahead would be filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities.

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