Chapter 4: Introduction

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3rd Pov

Azrael started on his agenda while there was still sunlight, unpacking and organizing, he started by getting his things out first.

"My clothes check.. personal hygiene necessities check!.. my phone check!.. charger.. check! My gunpowder jar also check! My holy bible! Check! Then my family picture.."

Taking a look at it, a family four is standing and the background was their house, they were all a happy family to which he misses dearly, his dad, mom and little brother, remembering the past on how he got separated from them during evacuation, it was tough to remember but he press forward for them.

Putting his clothes in a wardrobe, his family picture along with his bible on the table near his bed which was on the right furthest, along with it was a gunpowder jar, he likes to create explosives in the battlefield with it, then his phone and charger. Lastly it was his personal hygiene things, going to the bathroom till suddenly it opened, revealing a fox faunus and long black haired girl with a towel wrapped around covering her body.

They stared in shock for a second till the girl activated her semblance in anger making a White pawn soldier with conscript armor to rise up from the ground before shouting


With a command the pawn soldier readied its sword and charged at Azrael.

"I didn't mean it to be here!! I thought no one was around! Calm down please!"

It was all hell let loose with Azrael and the Pawn Soldier running around the room causing a huge mess.

Meanwhile outside, two males were walking, one is built like a tank, literally he had a metal cannon on his back while carrying a war axe and shield. Then a boy next to him who was smaller than him who was wearing a Ghillie suit and he was holding a sniper rifle that could turn into a spear, he was a sniper specialist.

"So I'm Tank Smith, I'm from Mistral, I was sent here at a request and I needed teammates"

Says in a kind voice by the big guy who was also wearing heavy armor, just as his name implies, he was a human walking tank

"I'm Knox Koch, from Atlas, and in the same situation as you"

Knox said in a quiet voice, but Tank can still hear it nonetheless.

"I see, then you must be one of my teammates! Nice to meet you!"


"I think our room is this one"

Opening the door revealed Azrael getting chased by a pawn soldier while Tank and Knox stood there confused. It was until Tank intervened by grabbing the Pawn soldier and Azrael by their collars 

"Nice to meet you all! Why don't we just calm down the situation and let's all be civilized here!"

Tank said in a deep voice, much like a father scolding his children, the faunus girl who looked mad but nonetheless listened and recalls back to her Pawn, then grabbing her clothes from a bag before going to the bathroom. Tank who was still holding Azrael puts him down gently.

"Thank you! Finally she calmed down"

Azrael had a sigh of relief, then the other two went inside as well

"No problem, I'm used to seeing these rowdy actions with my family so I know how to handle the situation, I'm Tank Smith by the way!"

"I'm Knox Koch.."

Says the literal tank and a bush man in Azrael's view, then suddenly the girl comes out of the bathroom finally wearing clothes. A white pleated skirt that covers her knees, black stockings, a sleeveless black turtle neck sweater, white jacket that had the symbol of a king chess piece on the right shoulder and most notably glasses.

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