Chapter 5: First day

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3rd Pov


Sounds of an alarm woke up Azrael, getting up and turning off the alarm which was set to 7:30AM, looking at his team who were still asleep. Knowing that Grimm studies class starts at 9 o clock, they still had time to sleep.

Going to the cafeteria to make some coffee, walking, yawning and stretching as he walks down the hallway.

"Well, well. It seems we have met Mr. Angelo or Azrael I must say" A voice came beside him, he looked and saw a woman with a peach haired color, tied to a bun, wearing safety glasses, short sleeve white buttoned coat that was cut short to her thighs covering the important parts at least, long black latex gloves and boots.

Azrael looked at the woman, confused but greeted nonetheless as a sign of respect.

"Good morning ma'am..?" Azrael greeted while her identity was unknown to him.

"Good morning and pardon me student, I forgot to introduce myself, anyway my name's Professor Peach and I'll be teaching, Dust and Botany, my class is next to Professor Port" She enthusiastically introduced herself, it was a very nice first impression that she was giving.

"It's nice to meet you ma'am, I'll look forward to your class" Azrael replied eagerly wanting to learn from her since it was time to learn things about this world

"You better be, welp I'll have to go now I have to prep my lab equipment first and we'll just meet again once my class starts, so I'll see you there Mr. Angelo" She bid her farewell to him.

So does Azrael who waves her goodbye, he finally went to the cafeteria grabbing a coffee getting that sweet caffeine to wake up his system.

Grabbing a tray, making three more coffee and two toasts for each of them, then heads back to his dorm, coming in, he sees them wide awake.

"Good morning sleepyheads, made you all breakfast so we can get this day started" Azrael Greeted them as he holds they're breakfast

"You know we could've gotten there and made this by ourselves but thank you Az" Charlotte spoke out as she stood up from her bed, getting a nickname from her already was nice for Azrael.

"It is good to serve others out of good will, trust me it brings peace to those around" He replied as she wags her tail in understanding, she grabs her coffee and toasts, meanwhile Tank stretches his body and Knox simply went to the bathroom.

"Thanks your the best!"

Tank got his fill, Knox would then join in with them after using the bathroom.

"Well team, after this we'll have to prep ourselves since class starts at 9 and we have less than an hour before Professor Port's class starts" Azrael points out to them about the schedule.

Getting nods from them, from finishing up breakfast quickly, taking turns to use the bathroom, to wearing their Beacon uniform.

"I must say, this looks very formal" Azrael said as he admires the uniform provided for him.

"Enough admiring yourself, class is about to start at 15 minutes" Charlotte who was punctual about the time intervenes and opens the door.

"Right, c'mon let's go guys" Azrael stopped what he was doing, his team then went outside of their dorm.

Going down the hall, soon Team RWBY and JNPR would join them along the way till they reached the classroom where they are welcomed with a greet.

"Just on time, now take your seats all of you"

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