Chapter 6: Camping Trip

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[Emerald Forest]

3rd Pov

Both teams finally got rest and not long before classes finally resumed, it was Prof. Peach's class but they were at the Emerald Forest along with them was Prof. Port.

"Okay students! Today's activity will be different! We'll be going camping today at the Emerald Forest!" Prof. Peach then brought a lot of tent bags.

"We'll be out in the wilderness for five days! While learning how to survive like a true huntsman or huntress!" Prof. Peach explained as she gives each teams tent bags.

"Set up your tents with your partner since it can only fit two people and we can't be wasting daytime here! Also Prof. Port will be accompanying us today on how to set up traps naturally and more Grimm studies"

Many teams began setting up tents on their own, with a camp fire in the middle surrounded by stones and logs  to sit on.

"I'm sharing a tent with my BFF!" Ruby happily said while hugging her as they admire their work.

"Whatever you say Ruby" Weiss breaks the hug.

"Yes!" Ruby pumped her fist up while Weiss went away to do something

"We're sharing a tent.." Charlotte exclaimed seeing Azrael fix it for them.

"What's wrong with it tho? We're partners after all" Azrael finally finishes his work.

"N-No! It's just that!" Charlotte looked red about it.

"Just what?" Azrael chuckled seeing her like that

"I'm a girl and your a boy! Don't get weird about it!" Charlotte exclaimed while she covers her face in embarrassment.

"You're getting weird about it" he finally laughs while Charlotte weakly hits him.

Meanwhile Nora and Ren were setting up theirs, till a figure cover in tarp looms over Ren.

"Boo!" Ren jumped as he did not expect

"Nora! Put the tarp down.. I'm trying to work here" Ren said while Nora unveils her self from the tarp giggling.


Azrael Pov

It was night time already, earlier Prof. Peach would teach us the basics to which I knew already ever since I got dragged into that war. Looking back at it now I stared at my hand and blood flashes on it as I sat by the campfire,

"I remember the moment my hands were tainted in blood.. more would soon come that I couldn't count them all.."

Looking to my side I saw Charlotte laying her back to a log but it would be soon replaced by a lifeless body of a Chinese soldier whom I had to kill, his eyes would stare at my soul deep down it was the sins that I have bare long ago till someone freed me from my shackles and forgave me for what I have done like it was nothing, looking further it was love, a love that is filled with truth, it does not boast, it does not rush but it was only just a pure and true love. My hands would grip the log till it loosened as I remember my Shepherd who came to find this lost sheep.

"Are you okay Az?" Charlotte asked me, concerned the fact that I was staring at her.

Snapping out of it, the image of the dead fades away and it is replaced by my fur ball teammate, Charlotte.

"Yeah I'm fine.. just remembering some things in the past" I replied while I fixed myself "sorry for making you uncomfortable"

"It's alright, in fact you should tell us your problem or maybe your past so we can at least you know.. help you but it's alright if you don't want to tell us as we're gonna still help you" Charlotte tried comforting as she sat besides me.

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