Chapter 5

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Hot shot was awaiting a heart transplant. Hot shot was born with heart defects. Now his heart is failing and he needs a new heart. Hot shot was wondering when he was going to get his new heart. He was very curious about it. Hot shot was hoping everything was going to be just fine. He was kind of scared and nervous at the same time. "I am kind of scared about needing a transplant," Hot shot said.

"That is normal," Quickshadow said. "Lots kids and adults who need transplants get scared." she said. "It is a normal thing you are feeling," she said. "Many feel that way," she said.

Dr. Dreyer was taking a look at Hot shot today. "How will I be able to stay alive when the doctors take my heart out of my chest to put in the new one?" Hot shot asked.

"They will put you on bypass like they did for your other surgeries." Dr. Dreyer said. "That way you can stay alive while they put in your new heart when you old heart is out of your body," he said.

"Wow," Hot shot said. "That's kind of cool," he said.

"Yes it is," Dr. Dreyer said. 

"How long will I have to stay in the hospital?" Hot shot asked.

"It is hard to say Hot shot," Dr. Dreyer said.  "You will be in the hospital waiting for your heart transplant like some kids while other kids can wait at home for it," he said. "It will be hard to say how long the wait will be, but once we get a call about a heart that is right for you and do the surgery you need to stay in the hospital for a couple more weeks at least unless there are complications," he said. "But some patients who have had previous heart surgeries like you may need to stay in the hospital a bit longer because of the scar tissue and to make sure you are okay after another major surgery and the risk of complication is higher." he said.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot wanted to be home but he was needing to be in the hospital during this time and he was just going to have to be patient. Hot shot was able to do a few things in the hospital while waiting for his new heart. Hot shot was able to walk around with his IV pole. He was able to enjoy the company of many of the other patients in the hospital. They were able to have all kinds of fun. 

Hot shot was wondering about many things and he was very curious. He was wondering about if he would be able to become good friends with the donor family. He was hoping everything was going to be just fine.

Hot shot didn't even know when he was going to be getting his heart transplant. He was going to have to wait and for it. He was very nervous and scared about having to wait for an unknown amount of time to get his heart. 

Hot shot was getting drips of medicine to help hold him until transplant. It was helping his heart do better and such. Hot shot was worried and scared. He had been in the CICU before but not for so long.

Hot shot got to know many of the children there who were on the heart failure floor. His friends were there too and they had heart failure just like him and they needed new hearts too. 

Hot shot was starting to feel worse now. "Mummy I don't feel so good," Hot shot said. He was looking pretty bad. Dr. Dreyer came in and the team discussed. They decided Hot shot needed to be put on a berlin heart. 

Hot shot was taken in for the surgery to put in the berlin heart. When Hot shot came out he was hooked up to the berlin heart. Heatwave and Quickshadow were in shock to see Hot shot like that. They were really worried about him. They saw he was getting worse as time went on and they wanted him to be better soon.

Hot shot woke up with the berlin heart attached. Hot shot was surprised to be attached to it and saw large tubes coming out of his body. "This is a Berlin heart, it is helping your heart and holding you off even longer before transplant," Dr. Dreyer explained.

"Oh okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot knew it was to help and he hoped he was going to be feeling better soon. Hot shot was wondering when he was going to be getting his new heart he was going to have be patient.

Hot shot had to find ways to entertain himself in the hospital. He was very busy with many things on his iPad. He was watching the TV with movies and shows. He was playing games with his parents, the child life specialist and the psychologist. Hot shot was even getting to play music and sing along to songs he wants to sing. Hot shot soon getting some strength back with the berlin heart. Hot shot was soon able to walk around a bit. But he needed someone to move the Berlin heart while he walked because it was big and heavy. Too big and heavy for Hot shot to move on his own. But at the moment Hot shot mainly stayed in his room.

Hot shot was able to talk to loved ones on the phone. Hot shot saw his parents taking shifts with him as usual he was used to it. He knew his parents were doing what they can for him and they love him very much. Hot shot was hoping to get his new heart soon. But he still found it hard to believe he needed to wait for someone to die in order for him to get one. 

Luckily for him, his care team was understanding of his feelings. They reminded him when he does get his new heart the family of the child decided to give their child's organs to help others. So they were giving him the gift of life. Hot shot could accept that and was going to be strong.

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