|07. Deep in thought|

233 46 138

February 22nd,2022
Montego Bay, Jamaica

February 22nd,2022Montego Bay, Jamaica 9:23am

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Sitting across from Payton—Rome listened to her go on and on about how her sister had just found out she was pregnant again

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Sitting across from Payton—Rome listened to her go on and on about how her sister had just found out she was pregnant again. It had been two days since Rome had seen the messages in Payton phone referring to the termination of a baby and it still ate at him even though he'd told himself that he was going to wait until they returned home to address her about it.

Hearing Payton talk about a pregnancy now only made him feel like he needed to question her about it.

Sitting his phone down, he leaned back in his chair. "Babe." He said in order to halt her rant.

Payton stopped talking and stared at him. "Hm?" She smiled as she admired how good her man looked.

Rome shifted in his seat. "The other day when you got in the shower, some random number called your phone and then text when you didn't answer." He said while staring at her. He watched as Payton's eyebrows furrowed and her body shifted in the seat indicating that she was indeed nervous. Payton always shifted when she was nervous. "Whoever it was questioned if you were going to go through with the abortion or not. You know how I get Payton so I need you to be honest with me so I won't cause a fucking scene in these people country. U cheating on me? And are you pregnant?" He asked staring directly at her. "And if you lie to me, I swear to God I'll turn this bitch up so pick your words wisely baby."

Payton fiddled with her fingers. "No I'm not cheating on you but I am pregnant." She blurted out.

Rome sat up in his chair. "Repeat that for me."

Payton sighed. "I said I am pregnant Rome and I didn't want to tell you because I don't know if I'm keeping the baby." She said. "The messages you saw were from Grayson. I've been confiding in Grayson about this because I didn't want to tell you and get your hopes up knowing I have no plans on carrying the baby to term." She frowned. "My pregnancy with Rj was so rough. Me dealing with them telling me I wouldn't carry him to term, me struggling to get pregnant in the first place because of the problems with my PCOS. I just can't go through all that again babe. I can't. I can't have a baby at six months again and then stress everyday about whether or not they're going to come home or die in the NICU. It's too painful Rome. It is." She teared up.

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