Prologue: Meet Y/n

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Prologue - Meet Y/n


* Huff*

??? - "Why... why am I here!?" he asks himself as he looks around the place it is a cell door. As he looks around, he can see scratch marks around it.. And there were screams of pain and agony. As he walks around the cell, he feels scared and nervous, but he doesn't know why

"Hello!?" he yells out in the cell as he looks out where he is... but he hears some footsteps as he walks towards the sound to see who is coming.. He sees nothing but a voluptuous figure with long hair and two horns on her head, along with a young girl with a small frame, who wears her dark hair in a bob cut and has two rabbit-like ears protruding from her head. She dons a light, fluffy coat with large pom poms over a dark skirt and shirt and completes her look with tights that run into knee-high boots as he could tell that they are bad news.

?? 1 - "My, my. So you're still alive. So, experiment 23 was a failure. Geez. It seems you something, kid. It's a shame. Maybe in the next life, you can be a stronger mage... hahahahaha.." The figure walks away, leaving him alone and scared.

???2 - "Don't worry, failure. We'll begin your vivisection soon." A female scientist said with malicious intent.

The boy looked at him and growled at her.

???2 - That's the spirit. Save it for the experiment. I'll use our last patients' harvested parts implanted in you. The process will be fatal, of course.

The boy sat down on the cold, hard floor as they left. He wondered why he was there. He didn't even know why he was there. All the days that had happened before today were lost to him. But there was something that made him smile. It was the shining moonlight peeking out through the windows of the cell room. The boy looked around, sighed, and wondered if there was hope. He would love to escape, but... what could he do.. All he could do was pray and hope.. As well as do what it takes to survive and try to add hope to the others... but what others.. He only saw himself here...

??? - "When will this nightmare end?" he asked himself as he walked over to the wall and leaned against it as he slowly closed his eyes and waited for the day to end when there would be more so-called experiments...

A few minutes later...

??? - "Geez, where did you find this guy?" said a soldier wearing a mask with a strange logo on his left arm, he said as he and another guard were dragging in an elderly man who had white hair and a beard, but for an elderly man, he looked fit.. As his muscles looked toned, and yet there were cracks on parts of his body..

Guard 2 - "Don't know.. But rumor is that he was found by the new guy with the ice when he was off on his walks.. Don't know why we have to bring him in.. but he said it was for mistress Kyoka... *shivers* you know she's hot but.. Dam.. she's scary as -"

"Uh oh..." The guards stopped talking as they slowly turned around and saw "her"...

Kyoka - "My, my... didn't your mother ever told you it's rude to spread false lies?" she said as vines were slowly creeping under the guards feet"

Guard 1 - "Mistress Kyoka... forgive us.... We weren't.. I mean... pestle can't you.." before anything else could be said.. They were dragged by the vines away into a secluded place

Guard 2 - "AHHHHHHH!! PLEASE.... SPARE US.. WE'RE SORRY.. PLEASE..." he screamed as he was trying to stop himself from being pulled as he dug in his fingers into the pavement as he did his fingers were bleeding as he too was dragged into a secluded place.

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