Chapter 1 - The bond of two souls. Welcome to Fairy Tail.

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Erza Pov

It has been two days since the sudden arrival of Y/n Kujo, a boy who crashed into the guild and created a whirlwind after landing on me, thus destroying my beloved cake. What was suspicious was Master Makarov's reaction to Y/n's last name. It was like he'd seen a ghost. It frustrates me but, at the same time, worries me.

As I was in my thoughts Master Makarov came in with the Porlyusica who looked at Y/n with eyes of curiosity but worry

3rd pov

Porlyusica - "So.. he's the brat? " she says with anyone

Makarov nods and stays silent

Porlyusica sighs and rubs her forehead

Porlyusica - "Yusei.. He wouldn't just give his power to anyone. There were plenty of worthy people, but according to Yusei.. None had the heart for the power.. But here is a kid that the geezer said glowed like Yusei did when he used it. So why? Why him, and what is the relation between this brat and Yusei?" she said in a whisper tone. She is doing her best not to

Makarov—Hmm... I can't say for certain... I may have to speak with him in private. The unforeseen arrival takes my children by surprise.

Porlyusica - "Makarov.. Do you think...

Erza pov

I couldn't hear what they were saying just bits and pieces of what they said, but it appeared to be a secret.. Something tells me it's sad news. And as they were talking it gave me time to think about what he said before he passed out.

Boy - "an..a...angel..I'm...saved..." he said as he closed his eyes.."

He called me an angel, and it made my heart bounce with joy and happiness. But it only happened when I was with "him." Now, a stranger pops up, crashes into me, and destroys the guild and my cake, and he makes my heart flutter! What is wrong with me?

Before I could think about it more, I heard a groan

Y/n - "ughgh.. Gramps.. I don't want to wake up... Please just 5 more minutes.."

Erza - "Huh!? Master! Porlyusica! He's waking up!!"

Makarov and Porlyusica looked at Y/n, walked towards him to check on him, and smiled as they saw his eyes fluttering and slowly opening up.

Y/n looked around the room he was in with his left hand on the back of his head and checked around...

Y/N—"Wha? Where am I?" he asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

He looked in a daze, unaware of his situation, but that's what worries me when he does..

Y/n - "Gramps?" he said as he looked at Makarov. "Geez, you really shrunk... huh, guess they really did something to your body? Hahahahahah," he said as he laughed at Makarov.

Porlyusica flicked her fingers on Y/n's forehead, and Y/n yelped in pain and touched his forehead

Y/n - "Aha! What the hell!? You granny, what do you do that for!?"

Porlyusica - Hmph. You learn to respect your elders, human brat. Especially if they saved your life.

Y/n looked confused at what she said..

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