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"In a land far, far away, lies the Kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic! Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace, for most, magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some, however, magic is an art, and they have devoted their lives to its practice. These are the mages. Banded together into magical guilds they apply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of Fiore But there is one mage that had this unique ability called One For All... but unlike other magic being inherited from parent to child... this ability was given time and time since the beginning of time when dragons were around

It began with the first user of One For All a man named Yusuke Giovanna at first he didn't know what to do... he went to his friend to help him understand it though his friend didn't know either.. but Yusuke could see life in it like it was able to evolve further. so he began training himself to use its full potential and in time everyone started showing signs of these abilities. People started to freak out when one had a fire and branded his house, another had speed and the other had to change fate, then another and another and another

Yusuke looked around him and smiled and a little teary knowing he wasn't alone with these powers, as he began heading over and ensuring the towns folk's that these weren't to be afraid but to be happy as they were a rare breed and these ability's should be used to help the world and make it better for the future of their kind

5 years later 

Year April, X686 

The town that was called quiet begins to flourish with these abilities that Yusuke called Quirks.  As the town began to grow and prosper Yusuke had his own journey to go on to learn more about his quirk so far he has the ability to pass it down to the next person, can float for 2 mins maybe longer, his strengths have increased, when he punched the air he the force was able to  break the barrier

(like that)

but Yusuke wanted to learn more but before he could think more deeply he bumped into a runt with blond hair

????- ooff sorry mister... I didn't see you there.. she smiled 

Yusuke smiled back "it's no problem if anything it's mine for not looking so let's just agree that it was both of ours and leave it at that...

The blond girl nodded but when they shook hands she could feel something growing like a flame that was burning bright and it began to shine and surrounded the man from the inside. She was surprised at first but she smiled as he took a look at his face it shined brightly 

A New Hero (is under re-edit!)Where stories live. Discover now