Chapter 4- Bound by Promise: A Friend's Lifetime Vow

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The news of Lissana's tragic death quickly spread through the guild, sending shockwaves to its core. Deeply affected by the loss, Natsu was alone in the little hut he and Lissana had built as children. The siblings mourned at the gravesite, with Elfman blaming himself for his sister's untimely demise, while Mira knew who was truly at fault and deserving of blame.

Meanwhile, the small family of Erza, Jolyen, and Kohaku were shaken by the absence of Y/n during such a tumultuous time. Mira seemed to hold a peculiar energy about Y/n, causing the rest to drop the subject altogether.

Concern grew for Y/n, who had cryptically shouted about someone's impending death before hastily passing by. This left the others both bewildered and irked.

Jolyne found it hard to believe the reality of Lisanna's death. She struggled, exclaiming, "No... This can't be real, can it!? Lisanna... Is... dead?! No! She can't be!"

Kohaku, once a cheerful companion, was left in utter disbelief. Tears welled up in his eyes as he mourned the loss of the lively Stratus sibling.

Erza, typically composed, looked down with closed eyes, silently contemplating the devastating news.

Jolyen then went to comfort her brother with a warm embrace, causing Kohaku's tears to flow freely.

Erza's expression spoke volumes. "So that's what you meant, and the look in his eyes revealed the truth. I should've known," she muttered to herself as Jolyen looked on with concern.

Jolyen asked her mother, "Mom? What's wrong? Shouldn't have known what?"

Erza brushed it off. "It's nothing... Just... with what your dad said before he ran out... Just got me thinking if he was trying to prevent that..."

Despite her attempt at a smile, a shadow of distress loomed over her, evident in the way she held the cats close to her. "But come on... Let me make you something to eat... And then I'll read you a story," she offered, trying to comfort her children. Her resolve weakened as she deeply felt the impact of losing a fellow guild member.

Before Kohaku could voice his request, a crash reverberated through the living room as a projectile resembling a rocket slammed into the house. Erza swiftly leapt back, clutching the cats protectively as she readied her sword, ready to face the unexpected threat.

But as the dust slowly moved away she looked closely and saw a young man in the middle bloodied, passed out and injured on his legs, left hand and their were some metal pieces on his right leg.

But as the dust slowly moved away she looked closely and saw a young man in the middle bloodied, passed out and injured on his legs, left hand and their were some metal pieces on his right leg

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