Chapter 3 -The Birth and Determination: Unveiling the Future Hero

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Two years have passed, and like any other day, he was sitting on a bar stool drinking some iced tea with a side of lemon, feeling bored. It all started the day after the eggs hatched, and it was the kittens' first time going to the Fairy Tail Guild. Erza and Y/n stood before the guild door with Jolyen and Kohaku perched on their parents' shoulders. Jolyen sat on Y/n's right shoulder and Kohaku on Erza's left. The kittens were nervous about entering the guild hall and meeting new people, but Jolyen kept a straight face.

Y/n said, "Ta-da! Welcome to our second home, The Fairy Tail Guild! This is where your mom and I work to help out folks."

Jolyne and Kohaku looked at the guild in amazement and glanced at Erza, curious about her thoughts.

Erza added, "More or less, this guild is a place where everyone is welcomed no matter where you come from or who you are. You're always welcome at Fairy Tail."

Y/n smiled and nodded.

Kohaku exclaimed, "Did you hear that, sis! We are going to be welcomed too!" with a smile.

Joleyn scoffed and gave a questionable look.

Jolyen said, "I don't know... It seems fishy, not good... kind of fishy."

Y/n asked, "There's a bad kind of fish?"

Jolyne replied, "Of course, there is. They might be scheming something."

Kohaku inquired, "Scheming?"

Erza chuckled and reassured them, "Don't worry, sweetie. I can assure you they're not. And besides, I'm sure your daddy would protect us if they were, right?"

After Y/n made that joke, she decided to try it out on him occasionally just to see the reaction.

Y/n blushed and looked away.

Y/n said, "Ummm yeah... I'll protect you all," with a blush as he chuckled and smiled.

Joleyn responded, "Sure... whatever," she said nonchalantly, but secretly, she smiled a little just to see this side of her father.

Y/n smiled and breathed before he kicked the door open, adding a little "one for all" into his left foot to kick it open.

Y/n shouted, "Good Morning, Fairy Tail!!!" only to get tackled by Natsu, which left Y/n to kick him in the chest, sending him to the bar.

Natsu greeted, "Hey... good morning, Y/n... nice to see you happy and cheerful again... now how about a spar!?"

Y/n replied, "Sure, but... not right now!! I have a few new members I would like to introduce!!" he said with a punch and an enhanced kai fist, sending Natsu to the ceiling.

Gray remarked, "Oh... Y/n... good morning... Huh?" as he saw Natsu crashing into him.

Y/n chuckled and said, "Oops, kinda overdid it."

The kittens, however, were left shocked, even Jolyen, as he never used it in their spars, leaving her curious about her father's power.

Kohaku said, "So... cool, Mama... when could I do that... I wanna do a pow and a wham!" as he acted like Y/n's punch and kick.

Erza chuckled at this, petted Kohuku's hair, and said, "Maybe when you're older... Now then... do you wanna try out what Mama taught you?"

Kohaku and Joleyn replied, "You bet!"

Jolyen and Kohaku slowly took a deep breath as they tried to suck in as much air as they could before they could do anything. Makrove walked out of his office and smiled, saying, "Oh, good morning, Er-"

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