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'For you ,a thousand times over'
-Khalad Hosseini

Kathrina GonzalesI knew from the beginning that it was a very bad idea to start my first day here at the college when it was the last year of my college and that too towards the end of last semester

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Kathrina Gonzales
I knew from the beginning that it was a very bad idea to start my first day here at the college when it was the last year of my college and that too towards the end of last semester.
I would have stayed back at LA only and completed my college there.
But just for one more month,i got admission here.
I never knew that tío was gonna fall sick and go back to London for the treatment.
But my dearest padre, convinced me otherwise.
Now i had to join this college for just a month till i get pass out.

A college for just a month.


I know that my padre had paid a nice amount to get me in here, despite of my great records.

Now all the people are staring at me.
But ,i do pass all of them a nervous smile and wave and i receive similar reactions from all.
Well all the girls are rolling their eyes and looking at me from head to toe.
Well the males are also doing that , though after giving me and my body a nice look over ,they smirk.

Both reactions are making me sad.
Noone wants to be my friend here.

Now i am walking as fast as i can to the english class.
I somehow, found it out from the map.

I reach the class on time just before the bell and take a seat on the last row as that is the only place where there is space.
While i do so, most of the students stare at me in horror and pity.

I di-didnt do anything.

A heavily built shadow falls on me and i look up.
The deep blue eyes of Dante locks with me.
My eyes slowly take in his form.

Definitely above 6'7.
Deep dark blue eyes.
Heavily built form , just like that of a boxer.
Tanned skin.
A deep scar runs over his right eyebrow.

His aura screams power,wealth,arrogance and dominance.
He definitely gives all the orders.

My heart squeezes when he sits next to me casually.

I can now understand why the students looked at me with pity.
This seat that i was sitting was theirs.

Another shadow looms over me and a silent whimper escapes me.

Cunning deep oceanic blue eyes lock with my forest green ones.
Similar to his brother, he also carries a dangerous aura.

Will they ki-kill me for sitting here?
I gasp as a heavy body crushes me.
He basically sat down on the seat right to me.

Both of them are squeezing me form either sides.

An intoxicating smell reaches my nose.
I take a deep sniff and unknowingly lean towards them.

Two thick muscular hand lands on my thighs.
One on each thighs.

I jump up as they crawl up and rest very close to my sex.
I look up at them questioningly.

Both in turn raise an eyebrow.

Something wet flows out from my sex.
There is no way i am having my periods because i had them two weeks ago.

Then what is it?

"You are sitting in our seat, so we have to place our hand somewhere" a deep husky addictive voice calls out.

"Be thankful that we are letting you go with just few spanks after the class, but till then you have to make us comfortable by letting us rest our hand here".


N-no ,i am not a child.
But i do not voice out my thoughts.
I nod my head at them.

In a way they are right.
I have to take responsibility as i have invaded their space, now i have to make sure that they are comfortable.

I let them keep their hands hovering just away from my sex.
Liquid continues to pour out of me and i think hard to what it might be.

A bald man walks in.
Mr.Robert is our english teacher.
I hurriedly take down important notes while both the brothers look bored.
They are more interested in squeezing my thighs from time to time.

I really liked the lecture that he took today.
The bell rings and i begin to get up but the brothers seemed to have abother thought.

Their hands now cover my sex.
Half of Dante's and half of Darius's hand cover my sex now.
The liquid now pours more rapidly.

"Forgot about your spankings,hmm?" Darius hums out.
He is biting my earlobes now.

What scaees me more is this that no students are brave enough to look up at the brothers, much less to what they are doing.
The class is empty within a few seconds and somehow the doors are closed.

We are alone in the class.

Dante's hand creeps up under my skirt and soflty touches my sex over my panties.

I scold myself for wearinf short skirts today.

"Wearing short skirts, hmm
You are doubling your punishments ".

I cry out as his thumb and middle finger flick my nub harshly.

"Come behind the parking lot, there is a class that is now empty as it is undergoing construction.
Close the door behind you and when we come ,we want you there without your little skirt and panties, hmm, mi vida".
Dante's raspy deep voice rings out.

Both of them stand up and Darius leave the class only after licking my ear shell with his tongue , while Dante snaps the waistband of my panties, leaving the sting behind.

I sit there with jumbled mind, a very sticky panties.

Tío- uncle.
Padre- father.
Mi vida- my life.
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